New Scale

Yesterday I bought a new scale now I am a little depressed. My old scale said I had lost like 14 pounds and I know I have lost weight because my clothes fit differently. But with this new scale it is saying that I only weigh 1pound less than I started out weighing on my old scale. I switched scales because the old one was digital and kept giving me like five different weights before it got to one I felt was correct. Now I don't know what my original weight was or how much weight I have lost. This is a bad day!!


  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    This happened to me too when I bought a new scale. I weighed myself on each to find the difference, for example say the old said 150 and the new said 155 and just added the five pounds to my start weight, figuring it would have been higher if I had gone with the new scale from the start and went with the weight on the new scale from there on out. Make sense?
  • jpapale
    jpapale Posts: 11 Member
    I have been considering getting a new scale too. The one I have here at home show a weight loss of 7 lbs, but the one at the gym only shows 3. They are both digital so I was thinking about going with the "old fashioned" dial ones.

    Now I'm a little scared to get another one .... LOL. Maybe I should just stick to the one that I have. I usually get on it 3 different times on my weigh-in day just to be sure I get an accurate (assuming its right) reading. Do you prefer the dial or the digital???
  • munchgen
    munchgen Posts: 19 Member
    Ok for starters you also need to make sure you weight yourself in the morning before you eat or drink anything b/c that food adds weight. I also use the same scale all the time and never look at others. The scales can be out of calibration and need to be.
  • ccjforreal
    ccjforreal Posts: 19 Member
    I prefer the dial because there is less room for error. It gives me the same weight every time I get on it. So I just presume I was 14 lbs heavier than I thought in the first place. Because I can see the difference in the way my clothes fit.
  • ccjforreal
    ccjforreal Posts: 19 Member
    This happened to me too when I bought a new scale. I weighed myself on each to find the difference, for example say the old said 150 and the new said 155 and just added the five pounds to my start weight, figuring it would have been higher if I had gone with the new scale from the start and went with the weight on the new scale from there on out. Make sense?

    Yes, that is pretty much what I'd come to the conclusion to do but it still sucks!! Thanks for the advice though.
  • Dadof8
    Dadof8 Posts: 146 Member
    With my old dial scale there were large tick marks at the 0s and 5s and little ones for 1 lb increments. If I could see the needle was not lined up to the low side of a large tick mark I figured I was down a pound. If I could see white space between the tick mark and the needle I was down 2 pounds, if there was white space between the needle and the next tick mark down I'd lost three pounds and if the needle was not aligned to the high side of the next lower tick I was down 4 pounds. I like my new digital!