Once I start, its hard to stop!

My daughter had a PTA morning/evening meeting today, parents could have opted for either schedule. Well, I thought morning would be good for me since I am unemployed and nothing else to do so when I got there, they had all kinds of stuff for the parents. Heres a few things they had
hash browns
you get the drift. Well I resisted when I got there, but one of the teachers whom I bonded with knows me, but not outside of school. Shes the kind of person you can't say no to. She brought me a plate of food and said :I made you a plate with everything before everyone takes it all, and heres extra cream cheese:
I was mortified but I graciously took the plate and she stood there as if to see if I would dig in right away. At first my diet minded diva nibbled but it tasted so good and foreign to my virgin tongue which hasnt had carbs and goodies in a while, so before I knew it the plate was GONE! O gosh what did I do!!!
Fast forward to going into walmart. I went to buy detergent to do dishes. I thought Id do a power walk around the store ffor a few mins which I did in the garden section (usually empty) but it was crowded so I couldnt do it as long as i wanted.
I came home, started laundry and got hungry for more carbs and goodies so I ate my daughters hot pockets (sloppy joe version)
what have I done! Im such a pig, such a fatty, I just want to give up now
*does walk of shame out of thread*


  • lunarastro
    lunarastro Posts: 32 Member
    You are neither a pig, nor a fatty- you just had a little slip up. Now, RIGHT NOW- before it spirals into a week long binge, Pick yourself up and start at the beginning. You have not even ruined the whole day, you still have dinner to go. Eat a sensible and healthy dinner and get back to it. We are only human, and we all have our weak moments, the key is catching yourself before you slide all the way back down again. You can do it- you have already lost 17 pounds so you have had sucess. DOnt let this slip up ruin all your hard work- Onward!
  • You are a beautiful, strong woman! Hey...I am the queen of calling myself all sorts of names that I would NEVER let anyone else call me, so I get the negative self remarks, but you are not a pig or a fatty!

    You had a weak moment. We all do! If it makes you feel any better, I TOTALLY pigged out on popcorn, peanuts, and craisins last night. I felt rotten about myself. This morning I was all bummed out and wasn't going to go to the gym. My plan was to stay home and wallow in my self-pity. BAD PLAN! I kicked myself in the behind and went to the gym. Now I feel better about myself and it's a new day!

    You can do this too! You ate a lot of carbs and sent yourself into a nasty carb cycle. Try eating more protein for the rest of the day to keep you full and stave off this carb cycle. If you haven't exercised yet today, go workout! That ALWAYS makes me feel better (and it's time that I can't spend eating! LOL!).
  • ccjforreal
    ccjforreal Posts: 19 Member
    One day does not cancel out your many days of hard work. Get back on the band wagon the next day. All is not lost.