cuinboston2014 Member


  • I definitely weigh and log every bite of fruit and most vegetables. I don't measure lettuce as the calories are miniscule. I also sometimes estimate when it comes to low calorie vegetables. For example, last night I had green beans - I didn't weigh them but I had about 20 of them. If I was off by a few, a few calories…
  • This sounds amazing!
  • BigMech - AMAZING loss and wonderful transformation!
  • I lost about 110 pounds in the course of about 1 year. I didn't track calories. I kept a running tally in my head and chose low calorie food and practiced moderation. I've maintained for 4 years with what seems like no effort. I still workout a lot but I don't call that effot. I'm trying to lose 10 more pounds through…
  • It will have the opposite effect actually. I used to be concerned about it, too. I'm not a special snowflake but I do seem to have a larger, sturdier frame and am pretty athletic. It's never been hard for me to gain strength so I was terrified of lifting too heavy. Since I started lifting I've just started shrinking and…
  • haha yes! I have a bodymedia band and used to leave it on when I slept. Until I saw how depressing it was to be constantly reminded at how crappy I sleep. not only do I typically not get as much sleep as I would like, I wake up often and frequently can't fall back to sleep. Seeing this information made me even more…
    in Sleep Comment by cuinboston2014 May 2014
  • I'm 5'10" and about 180-185. I can't figure out pics but this is a link I'd honestly only like to lose about 10 more pounds - 15 at most. I started at 289+ Still definitely a work in progress in the midsection
  • Nobody is really disagreeing with you. In fact, I LOVE cardio, that's why I refuse to give up running. I lost and maintained a 110 lb weight loss through cardio only. A lot of people love the benefits of lifting and aren't shy in saying it. If your question is whether or not you should take a rest day - you really need to…
  • I work out 6 days a week usually and my 7th day I make sure to stay active enough walking the dog, dancing with my daughter, bike riding for fun etc. I run 6 days a week and lift 3 days a week. On days where I lift during the week I run 3-4 miles only and on non-lifting days I run longer. Saturdays are the longest. I…
  • I love the Pure Protein bars. I wasn't a fan of Think Thin but I only tried one kind.
  • I have what I call "man feet" and though finding heels is a pain in the *kitten* and I can only find them at certain stores, that's where I shop for them! I have never had my pinky toe cause discomfort while wearing heels or prevent them from fitting. WTF - I have the world's ugliest feet you've ever seen on a woman and I…
  • I will disagree that sugar and carbs are your enemy, but if it worked for you - that's great! I try to pair all carbs with protein but i don't stay away from them at all costs. Your body needs carbs to an extent. In any case, I lost and kept off 110 pounds through mostly running. Somec ardio and minor weight lifting. Since…
  • Even when I go to the gym, with the exception of squats and dead lifts, I use dumb bells for everything and have had great results so far. I did start off at 10 pound weights and was pretty quick to increase the weights, though. however, I do tend to see strength gains fairly easy and always have, so I'm not sure if that's…
  • Yeah - only the balls of your feet for the uphill. You don't want to land on the balls of your feet your whole run! And someone else mentioend keeping your head up - you should maintain good upright form while going uphill. Makes it a lot easier. On really tough hills I also try NOT to look at the top of the hill but…
  • OK - I don't want to be the Debbie Downer to the post so let me add some encouragement. While I'm not sure how I'll look after 10 pounds are gone I can tell you the following: The feeling of being able to run 26.2 miles is far greater than the number on a scale. The first day, I couldn't run more than 30 seconds. I now…
  • yes I can and no I can't see it in myself. I lost about 110 lbs a few years ago and kept it off. I'm significantly smaller than I was the rest of my life and I still don't feel like a success. I often feel like even though I'd like to lose a few more inches and maybe 10 pounds that I'm the size of a house and will always…
  • I learned from my sister who is a VERY experienced runner to take short strides uphill and take them on the balls of your feet. Once I started doing that, I never struggled with hills anymore. She also recommend your first few strides at the top of a particularly challenging hill to try to let your legs loosen up a bit and…
  • LOL OMG I do this too. My husband has to stop me from doing it but I do it with just regular salt. I was putting salt on absolutely everything as well but I have been working faithfully to reduce it. I know a new study came out that said the recommended sodium intake is probably set lower than it needs to be, but it's up…
  • I was able to restart weight lifting again after having to take two months off. At the time I had to take time off I had only been lifting seriously for maybe 3 months. I was losing weight every week until I started lifting again. Then I stopped and I got pissed off. Until I realized that I was losing inches which is far…
  • Actually leptin and ghrelin are two different hormones that are used to regulate appetite. Studies have shown that if you do not get adequate sleep, these hormones are thrown off and it triggers your appetite and messes up the signals. I know when I'm WAY too tired I definitely want to eat more. It can certainly impact…
    in Sleep Comment by cuinboston2014 May 2014
  • I saw someone do this on extreme cheapskates. Then I thought it was a brilliant idea. I haven't done it yet but I am tempted
  • All the fruits and vegetables with the exception of cucumbers which I can usually purchase for .50 a piece and green beans which can be around $1.29 a pound. I'm pretty sure 1/3 of my grocery bill is fruits and vegetables and it really pisses me off. I can buy a lunchable for my daughter that will hold her over until…
  • HIIT is high intensity interval training. So for running you could do a 1 minute run at 90% intensity followed by a 2 minute cool down and continue to repeat. it's super effective at lots of things and there are various ways you can do it. I try to do this once or twice a week and it totally beats me up.
  • I'm a full time student (I have 18 credits this semester as well), I work full time, I'm a care taker for my grandma, I have a 7 year old daughter, a husband....and all the other regular life things people have - extended family events, showers, friends, etc. I wake up at 5am to go to the gym. If i only lift at the gym…
  • Haha yes so true! We have a few guys who like to leave heavy weights on especially the dead lift bar. And I don't know about anyone else but even if it's 10 lbs I HATE unracking that bar!! Last week a guy was using it quite a bit in between other exercises and I didn't want to work in with him as it would be a huge pain,…
  • Just like everyone else (almost everyone anyways) says - listen to your body. I lift 3 times a week and usually run 6 days a week. Days where I lift, I run between 3-4 miles. Days I don't lift I run 5,6 or double digit miles if I have time. I can tell you, though, that my body is feeling it some days more than others and…
  • You can see great results from JM, BUT not the same you will see from dedicated lifting. Many of her strength moves seem to force you to go to failure and I know I didn't build much muscle when I did it - i could never use heavier weights and got frustrated. Can you add to your fitness equipment with even a few sets of…
  • I understand this and understand that they need to make money but they, in my opinion, are a magazine that tries to present themself to "real" women. I'm sure all businesses do this kind of stuff in one way or another but when they get caught, like this, it really screws with their reputation which hurts them