

  • Hi, just want to say WELCOME, and wish you all the best in your weight loss journey. You sound very determined, and am sure you will achieve your goal. I am in Northamptonshire, UK (also a new member)
  • Hi and Welcome. I wish you all the best in your weight loss journey, I too have only just joined
  • Congratulations on your forthcoming wedding, and good luck with your remaining 11lbs, you'll get there!!
    in Newbie Comment by lighthouse1 July 2010
  • Hello and welcome! I'm new here, I'm 59yrs old and would like to know, if i walk for 30mins at a slow pace, how many calories could i expect to lose? could you help me on this, thx
    in Hello! Comment by lighthouse1 July 2010
  • You're doing really well with your weight loss, congratulations
  • Hi to everyone, I'm 59 yrs old and thought I'd better try to lose some weight before summer's over!!! I have previously lost 8lbs but then came to a standstill, so thought I'd bettr give it another go. The lighthouse is something I really like, also the beach and piers etc, I just love to sit and watch the sea, (shame I…