New and looking for friends!

Jamiecfc1 Posts: 75 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all

I'm Jamie, I'm 48 and have been overweight since, well, forever I guess! I've tried various things in the past and had some success but I want to finish the job I started, which is to get below 200 pounds - at the moment I'm about 240 but have been as high as 300 (give or take...!) I lost about 40 pounds over the last couple of years, then had a heart attack last year, which threw me totally as I've always been active so to then not be able to do much other than walk was a huge culture shock. Luckily I am now able to train as much as I did before the attack, so I'm going for it! The diary thing definitely works and I feel really guilty if I go over my daily target, which in the 2 weeks so far I only did once..... Anyway would love to talk with others in the same position, this kind of thing can be very insular at times so a support network would be great.
I live in Bedford, UK but would love to hear from anyone anywhere!



  • mmmpink
    mmmpink Posts: 25
    Hi Jamie!
    Congratulations on taking control of your health and your life!
    MFP is a great tool to keep yourself accountable and the people here are really supportive.

  • HI Jamie !!!!!!!

    Welcome to MFP and this is a great tool which can help you as it helps a lot of people here =)

    Enjoy this journey
  • criches6
    criches6 Posts: 5
    Welcome Jamie. I too was in the upper 200s when I started. ~255 In the past month and a half I have lost 35 pounds and started riding my bike. Stick with it and you will see the results and your cardiologist will be happy with you to boot.
  • jnsangel33
    jnsangel33 Posts: 49
    Welcome, welcome, welcome!!! Good luck on your goals!! This is a great place for that! Not only to keep track of your eating habits and exercise...but to meet wonderful, very supportive people!! Don't be shy! We are all here for the same reason!! We want to get healthy and can't do it alone!!! Feel free to add me if you like! You will do great!!
  • Hi Jamie, Excellent news on turning the new leaf and joining MFP! I'm recent member myself, started on the community/friends section yesterday and the reception and support seems fantastic. Feel free to add me.

  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Welcome! You will love this site, I know I do! :bigsmile: The support is awesome and everyone is so positive.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • CMenendez
    CMenendez Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome! Would love to encourage you on your journey. Add me if you would like!
  • Hi, just want to say WELCOME, and wish you all the best in your weight loss journey. You sound very determined, and am sure you will achieve your goal.

    I am in Northamptonshire, UK (also a new member)
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    Hi Jamie, i am also from UK. i will send you a friend request.
  • kmulhollen
    kmulhollen Posts: 54
    Hi Jamie,
    So glad you are on the right track. I love using this site and would love to add you to my friends.
  • simpsonr
    simpsonr Posts: 10
    Hi Jamie,
    I'm new this week too. (actually joined 2 weeks ago but just started participating this week.) I feel like the community support will really help me, so I'm looking to add friends too. I'll send you a request. Good luck!
  • KrissyD70
    KrissyD70 Posts: 92
    Hi Jamie, I KNOW it works to count calories on this website! I have lost almost 10 pounds in 20 days! You can do it too. (maybe not that fast, i just started). I would love to be your friend and support you. Friend request me.....
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