

  • After being with this site for a month, I increased mine. Not sure if it's made a difference, but i'll know pretty soon. =)
  • I've gained most of my weight in the past 5yrs. Just being lazy, not eating right, not working out and dealing with stress. I weigh more now, then I did when I was pregnant and even after, my daughter is 12.5yrs old!. It goes to show, your metabolism, does slow down. It literally just took me buying a size 12 jeans to…
  • I've been using MFP for about a month and just this week decided to change my daily cal to 1500. It is a struggle, but like everything else, we start a program and need to learn to adjust it to work for US!! Change your daily cal and go from there.
  • I myself only count water as water. Occasionally, i will have a crystal light fitness packet in my 32oz but maybe once a week. What you can do is, cut up fruit and add it to your water, for more natural flavor. I just heard from a co-worker today, that tea counts, but only if you drink it plain.
  • Your journey is not put on hold, it's just been modified! A child is a blessing and although you were not expecting this little one chose you and your husband! =) You can continue to workout during your pregnancy, so you'll remain healthy and afterwards baby weight should easily drop. Keep your head up! Everything happens…
  • Don't get discouraged!! The first month you're probably loosing more water weight, than anything else. I would suggest eating more calories to offset the calories you burn. Give your body a days rest to recover, or if you must workout everyday, give it your all every other day. Your muscles need time to recover. As…
  • I'm with Curves and its $44 a mos. Of course I'm in CA, and being told I could've gone somewhere else. But I like the idea I'm just surrounded with women on a mission. Not much competition at all.