how did you gain all the weight?



  • Browny43
    Browny43 Posts: 124 Member
    bad eating habits and too much partying (beer and drunk eating is a killer)
  • alfpalmer
    alfpalmer Posts: 150 Member
    I took fertility drugs for 14 months.
  • quit smoking a year ago and the dreaded beer goblin wont leave me alone lol
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    desserts. not working out. i don't even like food, i like desserts.
  • Amberflame
    Amberflame Posts: 10 Member
    Slow and steady!:cry:
  • emotional eating ..
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Playing World of Warcraft for 5 years, sitting on my butt, eating tons of junk and not doing much else.
  • Started in May 2002 when I was T-Boned by a Bread delivery truck in my Honda Civic. Left shoulder and lower back were thrahsed from the accident.
    Then June 2003 my 5 month old son passed away and I spiraled down into deep depression and lost all confidence and ambition.
    I wasn't until Feb. 2011 that I started caring about health.
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    Too much junky food & too much beer.


    Pretty Much!! LOL I would like to blame my three year old however I think since its been three years Ive passed the stage considered "baby weight" and just plain fat and lazy lol.. I just ate to much and didnt move enough.. Now that I realize I can eat what I want in moderation and movement Im in a different place. Only 9lbs to go and im hitting the top of the healthy range for my bmi!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I just gradually put on 15 pounds slowly over the decades - metabolism changes with age? I was never heavy, just not as trim as I used to be. One day (almost a year ago) my sister introduced me to MFP and it sounded fun so the rest is history. I'm now just here for maintenance. :flowerforyou:
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    I used to be naturally, what would be the right word, average, normal? I was always in the right weight range, wasn't "fat" or "chubby" or "skinny", somewhere in the middle I suppose...I could of been really in shape when I was younger if I would of worked out but I didn't because I didn't "have to", and I ate terrible. It all caught up to me after having 2 kids...
  • A few years ago I developed a polycystic goiter on my thyroid-nothing changed in my diet or exercise but the weight started to creep on. Then I moved out of a city, where I walked a couple of miles a day, to the burbs where nothing is accessible without a car. Then there were a couple of emotional stressors in my life, and I'm a girl who likes to eat her feelings. Lastly, I married an amazing man who can eat like it's a sport, and it turns out I'm a competitive person in that regard. Next thing you know, I'm up 35 pounds.
  • I've gained most of my weight in the past 5yrs. Just being lazy, not eating right, not working out and dealing with stress. I weigh more now, then I did when I was pregnant and even after, my daughter is 12.5yrs old!. It goes to show, your metabolism, does slow down. It literally just took me buying a size 12 jeans to realize "WOW, just 5yrs ago, i was a 6/8. I've doubled!" So now it's about working out and eating healthy!
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Successful Musical entertainer which was constantly out socializing and eating badly. So my life simply put eat badly, drinking, entertaining, out socializing Repeat....... and the lbs just racked up. :p
  • Churble
    Churble Posts: 85 Member
    emotional eating ..

  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Can't blame it on anything other than the fact that I shoved more food down my throat than I needed to and never doing much to work it off. On the converse, reversing that equation has led to my weight loss, so there you go.
  • by eating wayyyyy too much and not exercising
  • In Feb 2011 we decided to start a family. We managed to get pergnate in may 2011 then at 15 weeks we suffered a miscarage.
    I took this realy hard. Turned to food and didn't want to exercise. since then I have put on 9kg. I have been working on my head space and have now decided I want to get bac to the real me. My goal is to lose 13kg.
    I have started exercising more and realy enjoying this. I am in a more positive head space and want to get healthy.
    If we get to have a baby I want to be healthy and keep exercising.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I *could* blame it on abuse, mental health issues (depression, PTSD, etc), or any other number of things, but when it comes down to it, I ate too much and didn't exercise. Nobody forced me to do that - I chose to make bad choices, regardless of what influences there were.
  • hepsi
    hepsi Posts: 27 Member
    I moved from India to UK and suddenly I had no friends or support group. Added to that, I had to speak a language that isnt naturally mine, I couldn't start eating the food available here readily, the cold and dark. I got depressed and so started binge eating through my loneliness...

    but it just so happens, I fell in love with a british man and we finally got married...I am happy now so it gave me time to think about positive things...

    One of them thoughts was " I don't know what I would look like if I am 110lbs..."

    Thats why I am here...