Eating 1200kcals and exercising everyday for 1 we



  • I agree-your body goes into starvation mode if you don't eat enough. You could try cutting out some of the fruit and replace with vegtables like carrots, zucchini or cucumbers. I try to have a dish of them at my desk and dip them in honey mustard. You will most likely burn more calories digesting vegs than how much is in them. I take tuna fish (no mayo) and put it cucumber slices. BTW -honey mustard is great on salads and has a lot less calories than dressing-it's really good too! Don't get discouraged -the weight will start coming off.
  • I agree with everyone need to eat more!!!
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    I was eating 1200 and lost for a little while, then I upped it to 1300 and lost for a little while, then a plateau came again and I upped it to 1400 and lost for a little while, Now I eat between 1400 to 1500 calories and seem to be doing ok with it. It appears to me that you exercise a lot for only 1200 calories and your body needs more fuel. You can't drive a car on an empty tank and your body is the same. If you were doing nothing 1200 would probably be okay but not for what all you do. Just my opinion from experience. Hope this helps.
  • ltosoni
    ltosoni Posts: 74 Member
    Sounds like you need to up those calories, you are working yourself at a big deficit and your body is holding on to it all.
  • Mahhafooznit
    Mahhafooznit Posts: 24 Member
    Plateau's happen and they are annoying. Consistancy will pay off. There is no magic number for how many
    calories to eat a day but if you track everything only try to be in a defecit of 400-100 calories as the tracker will not track
    the calories you burn after the exercise has been completed.

    Intense workouts seem to spend alot more calories overall in the course of the day.

    -Strawberrys and grapes are excitingly sweet and taste good.for a snack
    -Plain Oats mixed with lemon juice makes for a good breakfast a couple hours before working out and helps with digestion.
    -lean chicken breast with hot peppers or even just diced peppers has flavour and is good for after workouts.

    I had hit my plateau 11 days ago and today dropped 2 lbs on the scale today. Yesterday I had a low sodium day. Drank a good amount of water in the last 3-4 hours before bed to strip junk out of my system.

    Take a full day off from your routine at least once or twice every 2-3 weeks and completely relax. Being obsessive does help with success but you need to relax every now and then to reward yourself. There has to be a light at the end of the tunnel for each grueling round of excerise. Remember, You're in this for the long haul and the main point is to feel good. It is a war on fat and sometimes you may lose a few battles here and there but follow through with the campaign and you will be the VICTOR!
  • tiffany0127
    tiffany0127 Posts: 378 Member
    I think you are not eating enough for the amout of exercising you are doing.

  • Thanks so much again everyone, i am going to try upping my calories with more protein, ie a protein shake or extra chicken breat fillet a day and see how i go
  • I've heard people having success from switching up their calorie intake. Sometimes the go a couple of days with high calorie intake in the midst of their usual low. It keeps the body guess so that way you don't hit a plateau bc of your body adapting.

    Also, you proally need to gain more muscle mass...that burns more calories.
  • you just need to change up your eating. Your body knows what you are going to eat and when. Since you are not eating enough calories your body just stores the food. Trying eating 5 or 6 small meals a day and you have to change it up. You are also probably at a plateau stage so just keep plugging along. I knwo for me the plateau stage is where I wanted to give up but I didn't and i finally made it to my goal weight. You will get there just keep going and don't give up. I also found that if I worked out at night, after dinner I lost weight easier because I didn't snack after my workout. I would have a piece of fruit right after just because then your body is still burning calories. It was a mental thing for me, I would think to myself "i just did that big workout do I really want to have a bag of chips and waste what I just worked off". If I work out during the day it gives me more time to think of excuses to why I can have the bowl of chips. I do tae bo at home....Billy Blanks yayayayaya.
  • roxane0704
    roxane0704 Posts: 1 Member
    Don't worry I feel the same way, but I have read all the great advice and I am so going to use it.
  • aagnew01
    aagnew01 Posts: 33 Member
    It usually takes 4 weeks for your body to adjust to diet and exercise. But even if the scale is not going down, have you measured your waist, hips, and thighs? My scale didnt move for the first 4 weeks, but I lost 4 inches in my waist and 2 inches in my hips. That means your toning when you lose inches. Then I lost 2 lbs, and this week down 1. Be patient, start measuring yourself, and keep up the good work.
  • I agree with most, you should eat more. Get some green veggies in your diet. I don't seem ,many veggies at all, that will help I bet.
  • hiya yes i did wonder about inch loss so i took my measurements last week, will measure again next week and see if theres a difference, my boyfriend reckons i have lost weight off my face and stomach but i cant see it.....and neither can the scales ahahah
  • missmeliss169
    missmeliss169 Posts: 65 Member
    There are definitely going to be weeks where you don't lose weight but you will lose inches. You have to make sure you are eating all 1200 of your calories everyday or you can send your body starvation mode and you definitely won't lose weight. That happened to me, I hit a plateau for almost a month, and I realized I wasn't eating enough. I was getting full, but I wasn't eating enough and working out like crazy and wasn't losing weight. Now I make sure to eat all 1200 of my calories and sometimes I may even go a little over, but I try to just make sure I am eating healthy balanced meals and 2 snacks a day. I also don't allow myself to go over on my calories unless its a weekend and I am going out with friends. Also, not sure if you're a drinker, but I have essentially cut out almost all alcohol. It really helps. If I want to drink, I limit myself to 2 drinks which I usually have red wine or vodka soda because they are low calorie and low sugar.
  • You are pretty active so I would bump up your calories a bit to see if that helps. 1400 maybe? You could try calorie cycling as well, that tends to work well to break out of a plateau. So you lost 15 pounds before might need to kind of mix things up a bit. Above all else be patient, your body is just being stubborn but eventually the weight will come off again.

    Also I noticed you eat a lot of carbs. Perhaps try eggs for breakfast, or greek yogurt with splenda and some berries? Sub the sandwiches at lunch for a big salad with some lean protein on it? You're eating bread at almost every meal so that might have something to do with it.

    Good luck! I'm stalling out too and it's beyond frusturating!!
  • EuphonyChloeH
    EuphonyChloeH Posts: 107 Member
    It is probably that you are not eating enough for the amount you are exercising. You could also change your goal to lose 1lbs a week. Usually the 2lbs a week is intended for people who are trying to lose 100+ make sure you are gettinfpg an accurate reading of calories burned when exercising. You may have to get a heart rate monitor for this. Also try eating back at least half your exercise calories. You have to at least net 1200 and MVP does not include exercise until you do it. Really I think you may need to up the calorie in take and you should see a lose. Good luck and hope this helps.

    Definitely agree. If you eat 1200 calories but you burn off an extra 500 or so exercising, you need to eat back those calories. If you don't, your body is going to think you only ate 700 (because you burned off 500), and it is going to hold onto your weight for safety. So eat a bit more and maybe exercise a bit less.
  • You may not be eating enough....check you BMR (there is calculators online) this is how much you burn just doing nothing, then you also need to calculate how much you burn during exercise. I was eating 1200/c daily and that was not enough with exercise i have been doing, took my calories up to 1400 and starting to lose the weight...may need to take it up to find the right mix.
  • Try taking one day to rest, it'll build your metabolism way up. Our bodies need a day of rest. Take Sunday or Saturday off and just eat healthy that day and either walk or do nothing. If you give your body a rest it really boosts that metabolism, especially if you stick to the same caloric intake....Just try it for a month, one day off a week for one month, see if that helps! You're doing it all right, so dont give up, you know you can do it, it'll pay of I promise!
  • Don't get discouraged!! The first month you're probably loosing more water weight, than anything else. I would suggest eating more calories to offset the calories you burn. Give your body a days rest to recover, or if you must workout everyday, give it your all every other day. Your muscles need time to recover. As everyone else has mentioned, you're probably toning, yet it just isn't showing as you'd like it to. Up your calorie intake, overload every other day, drink plenty of water, and let your body rest 1-2dys a week if possible.
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