mapdixon Member


  • Yes, but are you liking the 50 Shades of Grey???? :laugh:
  • I read all 3 books last year and now have my 11 year old reading them too. She is currently in book 2. Although I don't think she gets all the "government inuindos" she is enthrawed with the books and the story. Some of it doesn't seem so far fetched. I too can't wait for the second movie and hope they film it in NC as…
  • I got to 252 this week! So happy! Now shooting for 251 next Monday!!!! I would love to be in the 240's by the end of the challenge!
  • Well, it's Sunday night and I'm really afraid I didn't do well this week... Too many sweets around the house. Fortunately, tomorrow is a new day (even if we do weigh in and I probably gained some.). Hope you have a fantastic week!
  • I am so proud of myself! I have knocked day 2 out of the water today! I felt really good when I got up this morning so I walked for 51 minutes before I ever got ready for work (and still made it to work on time!). Tonight was Zumba night so I did that too. When all was said and done, according to my pedometer, I did 100…
  • So I am at the end of day 1 of the challenge - I noticed that after reading the other post, everyone is posting how much they weigh and I have kinda shy away from that. But I guess, if I'm all in, I need to be "all in". Last Week's weight: 252.4 Today's Weight: 252.2 There - I did it. (deep breaths!) Okay, at the end of…
  • Went to the Bahamma's last year - very "touristy". I would love to go to Aruba one day. My brother has been there a couple of times he said its really nice.
  • I started out with a goal of 6,000 steps 3 times a week - however, with the weather being nice out side, I found myself walking more in the mornings just to get my day started. I found that walking just 30 minutes was getting the 6,000 steps alone - some days I have walked over 13,000. I will try to keep a goal for 8,000…
  • GREAT JOB! Thanks for posting this as it is inspiration for me to keep on my journey. After my Dr. visit last week, I have learned that I am pre-diabetic, so I am really trying to get myself focused on my eating and exercise. Wondering sometime if I can really do it and by reading this, I know that I can!!!!! (So Can you.)…
  • OMG! You look amazing! Keep up the great work! You can do it and maintain it - and not only that, you are helping so many of us be inspired! :)
  • I've given up on drink mixes all together and I'm just sticking with plain ol' water. It's been several months (and I can't tell you when I actually "stopped") since I've had a regular cola or a sweet tea. (and I live less than a mile from a BoJangles!). Just stick with water.
  • Great videos! Looks like a nice gym that you're in! Keep up the good work and keep the video's coming! BTW - yes, we do know how to eat here in NC!!!! :)
  • @papa3x - Now THAT is funny! Thanks for adding me! Just let me know know where I need to send the fake check to... :)
  • I try to eat just whole wheat stuff myself. But that works for me. I can taste a difference between regular spaghetti and wheat spaghetti now, now I really prefer angel hair whole wheat spaghetti. That's all I buy and so that's all my kids eat (with the exception for what they eat at school). I think it really depends on…
    in Breads Comment by mapdixon February 2012
  • <North Carolina