The Hunger Games trilogy



  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    I read the first book, couldn't put it down......... got bored with the second and never finished reading.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Book 2 was my favorite. I loved the movie. My imagination was no where near what the movie depicted. Can't wait for the 2nd movie.
    I just started reading another YA series that my daughter has read twice. They are going to make a movie of this series as well. It's called Magyk (Septimus Heap) by Angie Sage. It's fantasy. Not my style, but wanted to see why my daughter was so intrigued.
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    I just finished Mockingjay, this is one of the best book series I have read! I love love lovedddd the ending.. :smooched:

    Who else has read the trilogy and loved it!? I can't wait for the second movie :smile:

    Who liked the movie compared to the first book?


    OMG I HATED the ending. It was awful. No one is happy. At least they could have let Finnick and Annie be happy (not sure if I spelled those right). Or not kill off her sister. SOMETHING. Everyone just ends up depressed and sad with their lives. Its horrible!

    That being said, I liked pretty much all of the series besides the ending. :)
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    Loved the trilogy. As most adapted movies go, it paled in comparison--but still did pretty okay.

    I HATED how they portrayed the awkwardness between Peeta and Katniss. I think they lacked on-screen chemistry.
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    They should rename MyFitnessPal the Hunger Games.

    ^^Best. Answer. Ever. :laugh:
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    I loved the Hunger Games! the other two were ok. I felt the movie was missing alot of key points. I didn't like the way Mockingjay ended, it was to angry and abrupt. I thought a little more thought could have been put into it! but I'm a sucker for love stories and happy endings!!:happy:
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    I really enjoyed reading the books. I read them extremely fast to.

    However I will say I felt as if the writing was very rushed and certain things that were pointless were focused on way too much. I really love the idea of the story and some of the plot twists, but it just felt kind of.....simple.

    Katniss's character also was a little too much all over the place, as least as personality goes.

    I really enjoyed the movie but was upset they left out some key points.

    Overall I really like the series and am going to add it to my collection. (I have a nook but I will buy physical copies of books I really enjoy).
  • mapdixon
    mapdixon Posts: 21 Member
    I read all 3 books last year and now have my 11 year old reading them too. She is currently in book 2. Although I don't think she gets all the "government inuindos" she is enthrawed with the books and the story. Some of it doesn't seem so far fetched. I too can't wait for the second movie and hope they film it in NC as well. Another good triology that I just finished reading this week is 50 Shades of Grey - You need to get past all the foul language and all the intense sex scenes to get the storyline.... However, I think every girl would want a "Christian Grey". OMG... (Hint to the women - I have talked my husband into reading it too!)
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 535 Member
    Loved the trilogy. As most adapted movies go, it paled in comparison--but still did pretty okay.

    I HATED how they portrayed the awkwardness between Peeta and Katniss. I think they lacked on-screen chemistry.

    This ^ and in the film they didn't make her look vulnerable at all. I mean she almost died people... :devil: :noway:
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I just finished Mockingjay, this is one of the best book series I have read! I love love lovedddd the ending.. :smooched:

    Who else has read the trilogy and loved it!? I can't wait for the second movie :smile:

    Who liked the movie compared to the first book?


    OMG I HATED the ending. It was awful. No one is happy. At least they could have let Finnick and Annie be happy (not sure if I spelled those right). Or not kill off her sister. SOMETHING. Everyone just ends up depressed and sad with their lives. Its horrible!

    That being said, I liked pretty much all of the series besides the ending. :)


    I liked how they were realistic about it all, instead of a nice happy ever after like it should be. I liked how Katniss portrayed her emotions after Prim died, I felt so bad when I found out Snow wasnt behind the killings of the children. I always knew there was something up with Coin, and she trusted her gut. As for Gale, what the hell?! I thought he would be there for Katniss and go back to 12 with her but I was wrong. I loved how she picked Peeta in the end, didnt expect it... and the last little pages about the children... awwwwwwwwwwwwww :smooched:
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I read all 3 books last year and now have my 11 year old reading them too. She is currently in book 2. Although I don't think she gets all the "government inuindos" she is enthrawed with the books and the story. Some of it doesn't seem so far fetched. I too can't wait for the second movie and hope they film it in NC as well. Another good triology that I just finished reading this week is 50 Shades of Grey - You need to get past all the foul language and all the intense sex scenes to get the storyline.... However, I think every girl would want a "Christian Grey". OMG... (Hint to the women - I have talked my husband into reading it too!)

    50 shades of grey... I am reading it atm :laugh:
    I dont know why I am reading it, purely because of all the hype. I'm not really sure.
  • mapdixon
    mapdixon Posts: 21 Member
    I read all 3 books last year and now have my 11 year old reading them too. She is currently in book 2. Although I don't think she gets all the "government inuindos" she is enthrawed with the books and the story. Some of it doesn't seem so far fetched. I too can't wait for the second movie and hope they film it in NC as well. Another good triology that I just finished reading this week is 50 Shades of Grey - You need to get past all the foul language and all the intense sex scenes to get the storyline.... However, I think every girl would want a "Christian Grey". OMG... (Hint to the women - I have talked my husband into reading it too!)

    50 shades of grey... I am reading it atm :laugh:
    I dont know why I am reading it, purely because of all the hype. I'm not really sure.
  • mapdixon
    mapdixon Posts: 21 Member
    Yes, but are you liking the 50 Shades of Grey???? :laugh: