

  • Don't beat yourself up....sounds like you are an extremely busy mom. Sometimes these things will happen, it is what you do after that matters. What I mean is.....if you stress yourself over every little mistake, then you will stay stressed. Just remind yourself you will do better tomorrow and move forward. Best of luck and…
  • If you are moving to MN...Look up Brad Nelson (Senior RKC). He has a gym there and is a great instructor. I just returned from MN, I was assistant instructor at the RKC II Certification course. If he isn't near you - You could look up Fawn Friday (RKC II), Andrea du Cane (Master RKC). Lots to choose from in MN. Best of…
  • YOU have the right info and glad to see that you are looking in the correct direct. I am an RKC II and love to see when someone looks to learn from a certified instructor who specializes in that field. Many people just try to learn off TV or Youtube...without knowing what to look for. If Kettlebells are done…
  • My recommendation would be to find a certified instructor near you....everyone is jumping to get a small Kettlebell with all the hype on the Biggest Loser. However the trainers on the Biggest Loser do not know what they are doing. Try going to www.dragondoor.com and looking for an RKC in your area. Kettlebells are super…
  • I am a certified Kettlebell instructor..and I have my client were their HR monitors during our classes. If you give me an idea of your height, weight, and what you did for your 15 min cycles - I can give you an idea. It also depends on the weight of your kettlebell. Karen
  • Hi and Welcome. If you are interested in a workout that really will get you in the best shape of your life.....try Kettlebells but make sure the instructor is certified RKC. You can go to the instructors page and dragondoor.com and enter your zipcode. You will be amazed what it can do for you. I am RKC and I got my sister…
  • Kettlebells can be listed as circuit training or weights....it depends on how your trainer runs the workout. I normally enter the amount of calories under Cardio....even if I am doing more of a strength based kettlebell workouk. I am a RKC II certified Kettlebell Instructor and I have my clients wear their HR monitors no…