warrenvalley Member


  • I'm giving up 300 calories a day. Been sloppy on maintenance so it's time to get refocused.
  • Try breaking up the race into chunks and purposely walk for one-minute at certain mile markers or at the water stations. For example, you can think of it as running two 5-mile runs and one 5K.
  • If you're two weeks out from the race, 10 is good. For my first I ran no further than 10 and finished in a respectable time for the hilly terrain. If you're looking at the weekend right before the race, I wouldn't go farther than 8 - more like 6. You really want fresh legs. One thing I've read is that there's nothing you…
  • I'm doing the Columbus Half marathon in 2 weeks. I used Hal Higdon for my first last November and this time I switched to Coach Jenny's intermediate plan. I'm finding the Coach Jenny plan (coachjenny.com) is working much better. The intermediate plan is 14 weeks and you run 4 days a week with 2 days of cross training. The…
  • I'll jump on the shoes bandwagon. They are crucial and you need to go to a specialty running store if you want to put miles in. They will get a shoe that works for your body. I run at night but do long runs on weekend mornings. I'm with you on the drinking and being afraid to have too much. I try to concentrate on…
  • Welcome and congratulations on the wedding! Feel free to add me.
  • Hi Jessica - feel free to add me. I'm a Mom of 2 as well, but mine are 15 and 12. Good for you for starting this journey while your kids are young. You'll help them develop healthy habits along with you.
  • Feel free to add me as well :-)
  • I'm training for my second half in October. I didn't do any weight training for my first one last November and I felt it. This time I'm trying to do weights or cross-train on Mondays and Wednesdays (Sundays are long runs). I will say I'm avoiding any lower body workout outside of running. I have a much more agressive…
  • Sabotage - Beastie Boys Bleed it Out - Linkin Park
  • I'm not disciplined enough to exercise just for the sake of exercise. I have to be "in training". Right now I'm training for my second half marathon after completing the Warrior Dash in June. This includes a training calendar printed out on the fridge where I check off my workouts each day. The event is coming and it's…
  • I'm a lifetime member of WW - lost 45 pounds back in 1998 on the flex plan. I never gained it all back, but would creep back up 15-20 pounds. I'd go back and get within 5-7 pounds. The Points plan was good and I had success there as well. But PointsPlus was the end for me. They nickel and dime you to death. Now you can't…
  • I used Hal Higdon's plan for my first half last November. I did it, but started late and got in only 11 weeks. Some injuries kept me from cross training and I felt it. I'm signed up for one in October and I'm going to use one of the plans from CoachJenny.com. This one is 14 weeks, includes cross training and has cutback…
  • Lady Anna Ruth Amboy-DeGroot. Yikes!
  • I'll second Hal Higdon's plans. Last summer I had never run more than 3.5 miles at a stretch and signed up for a half marathon with 11 weeks to train. The Hal Higdon plan got me to the finish.
  • Welcome! I'm also in Ohio. Feel free to add me. Go Bucks!
  • Decided I'm going to buy WHITE jeans for spring. Walked into the dressing room with two pairs of size 8 and they both were comfy and looked good!
  • My husband and I did it a couple of years ago but didn't follow any nurtrition plan. Didn't see much results. I started it again to train for the Warrior Dash in June and I'm finishing up week 7. Huge difference now that I'm actually watching what I eat and taking the strength training seriously. I'm up to 10 "real"…
  • I try to get some protein in along with something that takes a while to eat. A glass of lowfat chocolate milk is great for a sweets craving plus it has protien and will slow down the hunger. I shake up the jug first to make it more like a shake. Grapes are good for mindless snacking that has some nutritional value but not…
  • June 2nd in Ohio with a bunch of friends. Doing P90X strength training 3 days a week and running/cardio 3 days. Hope to get up the wall!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me - I also love tracking everything. I can sympathize with the post-baby eating changes. I had morning sickness for 4 months with my son. I ate whatever I wanted knowing it wouldn't stay with me long. And then the morning sickness stopped. Oops!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me. So sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I've been there. Good luck on your fitness journey.
  • Everyone does it. The key is to recognize when you're going off rails early. Recalculate your goals for where you're at today. Give yourself a break and celebrate small victories. Log everything. You'll get back on track.
  • You can add me, too.
  • Hi Jen - I'm Heather and I also have a tech job sitting on my butt all day. The accountability I get here on both calories AND exercise is what's made the difference: I reached my goal today! Feel free to add me.
  • You're ready. I was also concerned with treadmill vs. outside because I started running only on the the treadmill. My friend who's an Ironman athlete told me to put the incline of the treadmill to 2.0 and that mimics running outside the best. The treadmill pushes your feet forward and the 2.0 incline is enough to offset…
  • Three years ago, I only ran when chased but I decided to do C25K (9-week program) because I wasn't getting any younger. The day I set out to do the first 20-minute run, I said goodbye my family like I would never come back! I only ran on the treadmill and was focused on the timer the entire time. I still didn't like…
  • While training for my first half marathon last fall I got horrible shin splints. My running partner's husband is also my doctor. His advice was "ice and motrin". It was okay to keep training. Mine actually felt better during the runs because I was warming them up. Even tried the Kinesio tape but that didn't really help.…
  • Use exercise bands. You can get them with an attachment that allows you to fasten them to a door. The DVDs show you how to mimic a pullup with the bands. We exercise in our basement so have the bands rigged up in between floor joists.
  • I ran my first half last November. My longest distance up until training was 3.5 miles and we had 11 weeks to train. We did the Hal Higdon training program and I was surprised how quickly I could increase my distances. My goal was 2:20 but ended up at 2:23 - the course was incredibly hilly and my hometown has NO hills so…