HELP… Am I ready for a 5K?

I just started running a few months ago on the treadmill at the gym. I run at least 3 times a week for approximately 40-45 minutes at an incline of 1 or 2. I do slow down, no less than a 4.0 speed, a few times in between for a minute or two to take a drink or catch my breath. Last week, I ran my best, 3.6 miles without stopping in 36 minutes.

My goal is to run a 5K this spring, but before signing up I want to make sure I will be able to run it. I have heard it is much harder to run outside. Now that it’s starting to get warmer out, I plan to try and run more outside.

How was your first 5K experience and do you think I am ready to sign up now? There is one coming up at the end of May I am interested in. I would love to hear you thoughts! :)



  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Just do it! Sounds like you are able to the distance and while it is harder to run outside, running a race gets your adrenaline going and you can do more than you thought possible.

    And one thing I always remind myself before any race.... it's okay to take walk breaks when I need them.

    So just sign up with the goal to finish and don't worry about your time. Consider this your "base time" for all your future races. Because if you run one, I can pretty much guarantee there will be more in your future! :happy:
  • wwk10
    wwk10 Posts: 244 Member
    Do it.
    I was where you are a few years ago and ended up running a 10k
    I practiced on a treadmill and never made it 10K.
    Two weeks before the race I moved to running outside.
    It killed my knees.
    It may have been from running on a hard surgace.
    It may have been I didnt pace myself well outside.

    I didnt run at all the two weeks prior bc my knees hurt.

    Race day came and i did fine.
    I finished without walking.

    Good luck.
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    Just sign up and keep training. Once you sign up you will feel the push to make sure you do well.

    I am doing a 10k on saturday and I def. can't run the whole thing but I am just going to participate for the fun!
  • ShellyBrowne
    ShellyBrowne Posts: 27 Member
    I agree!

    If you sign up for it now, you're more likely to do some outdoor runs before the race to get your mind/body wrapped around setting your own pace.

    Rock that pavement and good luck!

    P.S. Just so you know I'm speaking from experience, I've done marathons / 1/2 marathons / 50Ks / 10Ks / 5ks.
  • KatieConery
    KatieConery Posts: 18 Member
    I am also just starting to run and plan on doing a 5K the end of April. I downloaded an app for my iPhone called C25K (couch to 5K) and it is set up to do 3 days a week. I play my own music and a voice tells me what to do and how many minutes. You should really try it. I has really helped me to be able to run longer than 30 seconds.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    You will do well. Hit it, road warrior! :)
  • warrenvalley
    warrenvalley Posts: 30 Member
    You're ready.

    I was also concerned with treadmill vs. outside because I started running only on the the treadmill. My friend who's an Ironman athlete told me to put the incline of the treadmill to 2.0 and that mimics running outside the best. The treadmill pushes your feet forward and the 2.0 incline is enough to offset that. Sounds like you're already there.

    My first 5K was a fun run/walk with no official timers. I may have been the last one running, but I definitely beat the walkers!
  • JVandesteeg
    JVandesteeg Posts: 157 Member
    YES...DO IT!! Even if you can't run the entire 3.1 miles.... just do it for the experience!!
    My trainer introduced me to the Nike GPS (she says it's more accurate than the other apps she's found) to help me with my pace, because I was running entirely too fast and tiring out so quickly. Once I found my pace, I was able to run an entire mile (6 laps around our track) without stopping... before then I was only capable of 1 lap. It's crazy how one simple fix in your pace can make you go so much longer!!!
    You may want to move outside and give it a try a few weeks before your 5K.
    Good Luck to you!!!! :smile:
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I'm not doing as well as you and I have a 5k to run in 5 weeks! I haven't even run 3 miles yet! I think you're good to go! :smile:
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    You're running a 10 minute/mile for more than a 5K distance. I think you can handle it. :)

    Though I would suggest doing a bit of running outdoors before you do the race. It can be a big difference from the treadmill.
  • johnlatv
    johnlatv Posts: 655 Member
    You are so ready.

    Sign up for the race now, so you have a goal. Now get outside and run, and prove to yourself you are ready.