

  • Slim in 6, insanity, turbo fire, Les miles pump! All of these are cardio with some muscle games. Insanity is hardest Slim in 6 would be the easiest to jump into, but Turbo fire is one of our womans favorites. Let me know if you need any more info.
  • I dont want to sound like Im marketing but I know a friend who is vegan who is stoked for our new tropical berry shakeology. We have two other ones that contain weigh protein that works for me as a part of my diet, but I didnt know if you dont do weigh protein either?! My fitness pal also helps me out especially when you…
  • I am in week 2 and lost 15 lbs this is round two for me though I didt 5 weeks and lost 35 lbs, just do what you can do. I recently became a beach body coach to spread the best workouts and healthiest meal of the day!
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