cadillaccowboy Member


  • Thank you for your kind replies. Anyway I have tried this Walkmeter one for three days and done nine walks using it and it has worked perfectly so I am happy with it and have deleted MapMyWalk, Strava and will continue with this one as it does what I need to see, time and distance and mapping.
  • Personally I would opt for going to the gym as I know that I would not have the motivation to do it at home. I am fortunate to live within five minutes walk of a brand new gym with lots of new modern equipment and I have also persuaded my neighbour to join so we go together three times a week. She has also started swimming…
  • cook the sweet potato, mash and use instead of potato mash as topping on shepherd's pie - delicious!
  • I would like to give it a go. The water here tastes horrid and I tend to drink low calorie bitter lemon/orange/cranberry from Asda but must admit I rarely drink plain water. My daily plan is: 9am walk dog for 20 mins 1pm walk dog for 25 mins 1.30pm lunch 5pm dinner 5.30 another dog walk 8pm another dog walk - usually…
  • An egg is not an egg if you don't eat the best bit, the yolk!
  • hello me too! I was on MFP for about a year until three months ago when I thought I wasnt getting anywhere and so I tried another site (which I might add I had to pay for) and I did initially lose about 3lb but then I have just "stuck" for weeks now and although I have been very honest and logged everything, and done…
  • thanks everyone for your replies
  • Hi I am a mum but my twins are 43 now! But I know how difficult and stressful it can be! Mine were born at 28 weeks and weighed in at just over 1Kg each but they survived and are now both over 12 st! and trying to lose weight! One of them is on this site too. Feel free to add me if you want! Happy to chat.
  • My profile name is Cadillac Cowboy which was my hubby's name when he was "into" country and western stuff where they used to dress up and do the quick draw with the replica guns. My hubby passed away almost six years ago. When I see his name it reminds me of happier times.
  • when I feel like snacking I get off my bum, go on my pc and read all the success stories on here! However I always make sure I have some low calorie healthy snacks in the cupboard that I can raid without feeling too guilty!
  • thanks everyone for your replies. Gives me a bit more idea on how things should be. I dont take sugar in anything, and I eat cereal without adding extra sugar so it is really just the sugar content in fruit or deserts that bounces it up a bit!:smile: