melcgelinas Member


  • I'll have a glass of almond milk with chocolate syrup mixed in & eat a spoonful of peanut butter. Pretty low cal & fixes that chocolate/peanut butter fix. Just log it & then you can move on. I've heard a lot of feedback on diets that include peanut butter are more likely to be successful, because it is high in protein,…
  • I have both Endo & PCOS. I have gained a lot of weight in the 6 years since being diagnosed. I had 4 surgeries, 2 laparoscopies & 2 laparotomies, in less than 4 years. Also, just the pain of the endo has been difficult to exercise. I have decided however, that I am going to be in pain no matter what & I am not going to let…
  • Ladies, I have both Endo & PCOS. I have gained a lot of weight in the 6 years since being diagnosed. I had 4 surgeries, 2 laparoscopies & 2 laparotomies, in less than 4 years. Also, just the pain of the endo has been difficult to exercise. I have decided however, that I am going to be in pain no matter what & I am not…
  • For me, I tend to find the exact opposite, my protein is exceeding my allotted amount almost each day. I've read a few articles that actually state that too much protein can cause problems as well. I have been eating a lot of lean meats, I think it is the…
  • Just remember that the water is a huge part of it. On the days I don't drink all of the water I should, I feel so hungry, when the reality is that I am thirsty. Eat slowly and work out slowly. If you do too much exercise and are too sore to stick with it, you'll feel defeated right away. I started by walking a mile at a…
  • Have you ever had Spaghetti squash??? It is really yummy, high in fiber, easy to cook & inexpensive. I cut mine in 1/2, place is on a broiler pan, with a little bit of water in the bottom. Poke holes in it to let it vent & steam properly. Cook at 325'F for about 25 minutes. Then, once I remove the squash from the peel, I…