Ladies help with cravings!!!!



  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I have cravings as well that I need help with.

    Particularly from the ladies.
  • HappyMielle
    HappyMielle Posts: 10 Member
    Ghirardelli dark chocolate! I can't remember then exact names, twilight something and midnight something; 72% and 86% Cacao. It's strong, rich, and bittersweet, and at the most I can only eat 2 squares which is 100 and 125 calories respectively. Coconut milk hot cocoa works for me too, same principal. Not as sure of the calorie count, but I use Trader Joes light coconut cream and Hershey's Cocoa powder with 3 tsp of sugar. Lastly, try blending two frozen bananas for a delicious "ice cream." I do this less often since the calorie count is higher (alone its 200, with 1/8 c of my homemade vanilla almond butter it's 265 I think).
  • Nory143
    Nory143 Posts: 53 Member
    I enjoy fudgesicles around that time of month. I have two and they are under 100 calories. If I want something salty I have some smartpop.
  • melcgelinas
    melcgelinas Posts: 8 Member
    I'll have a glass of almond milk with chocolate syrup mixed in & eat a spoonful of peanut butter. Pretty low cal & fixes that chocolate/peanut butter fix. Just log it & then you can move on. I've heard a lot of feedback on diets that include peanut butter are more likely to be successful, because it is high in protein, sweet AND salty.
  • Jujai52
    Jujai52 Posts: 10
    have use killing yourself over a bit of chocolate - they have peanuts too don't they? If you have one you can control it, if you feel like you're missing out you are more likely to say oh well, lets have another :wink:

    an alternative is apples sliced thinly, cored and placed on a baking sheet, sprinkle a little cinnamon and bake in the oven , on a low low heat for about 1 hour. Do a batch and have the odd one (or two!) when you are craving...yum
  • celinarae94
    celinarae94 Posts: 131
    I find drinking herbal teas really helps. They say teas with jasmine in them are really supposed to curb chocolate cravings. Not sure entirely how true that is but I like my chamomile tea.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    For pb cup cravings I usually have a tablespoon of peanut butter and a square of dark chocolate.
  • julieanne0924
    julieanne0924 Posts: 30 Member
  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks everybody!!!!! I will see if I can work around my week before munchies this month better than the last couple! I swear I can ruin a perfect month with 1 bad week. So I haven't made it to far with keeping weight I lose off. I am dreading Friday's weigh in!!!!
  • tracywaz
    tracywaz Posts: 53 Member
    I've noticed when I've lowered the amount of sugar I eat, I don't get the cravings at all during my cycle. I still get grumpy, but for whatever reason, sugar is the trigger. I generally limit myself to less than 30 grams per day of PROCESSED sugar. That being said, I do eat fruit because my body doesn't seem to react to the natural sugars as much.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    We have cravings.....and feel the urge to munch, munch, munch

    I personally.think have a little bit of what your body is craving long as its in your allowance????

    Otherwise you could deprive yourself so could have a massive binge and eat loads, and regret it!!!
  • purplesora
    purplesora Posts: 10 Member
    Apple Cinnamon Spice tea. It's sweet enough that I don't crave desert, but it's 0 calories and full of cinnamon, which is really good for you! Add a little honey if you want (because the cinnamon makes it a little bitter toward the end) and you're good. I don't crave chocolate, so I don't know if this will help kick a chocolate craving, but a cup after dinner keeps me from eating desert I don't need.