

  • Somewhere I saw that Chalene Johnson recommended FIT Radio app. I just downloaded it onto my iphone. Haven't tried it yet, but it may be worth checking into.
  • Wow! Thanks ladies! I'm so excited!
  • I love NMTZ. I am a sweaty mess after I do it and LOVE the feeling when I've made it through! I feel so strong! I also have 30DS, but it's been sooo long since I've done it I don't remember much about it. I made it to week 3 in RI30, but the duck walks killed my knees and I was getting bored, so I switched to NMTZ.
  • Thank you all! Just got the HRM from bodytronics. Thanks for that lead, Alaina! Loved that sale! How long did it take to get it? Hoping the new "toy" will keep me from getting bored ;)
  • Holy smokes! 19?!?!? I googled how many calories burned doing this video and came up with a bunch of people who had been using a HRM and using that....ranges from 360-450. I normally log it as 390 burned. I usually just log it as cardio, but I know that's probably wrong. I'm just too lazy to figure out the right way to log…
  • I've been doing it for the past couple of weeks. I love it. I was doing Ripped in 30 before that, but got bored and the week three workout was bothering my knees. I would say I do the entire NMTZ workout 5 days a week. I've been wondering if I should alternate it with straight cardio....NMTZ one day, elliptical the next. I…
  • I have to second the person who said geocaching. If you have a smartphone, you can download a free geocaching (intro) app to get started. That worked just fine for us in the beginning. We went to a park the other day that has 24 caches. My husband and I estimated that our 4 year old and 7 year old each walked about 4 - 5…
  • Anyone dealt with this before
  • Just jumping in to give you a bit of encouragement. First off, you are awesome for taking such a proactive approach in dealing with PCOS! Hang in there! Sounds like there are some awesome ladies on these boards who are dealing with it as well. I have polycystic ovaries and know what it it like to deal with the diagnosis,…
  • I'm going to wear a skimpy bikini on the beach in June. I think that more importantly, I'll have the confidence to wear it. I bought it already as motivation and it looks ok now, just need to firm up a few more areas and maybe drop another 4-5 lbs...and perhaps spray some color on my white body. Just hoping the skimpy…
  • Can you add me too? We're going to the beach in June and I want to feel good enough to wear a bikini. I was blessed with a turbo-metabolism growing up and have never watched what I eat. Now that I'm the ripe ol' age of 36 (is that too old to be wearing a bikini?) and have had two kids (should I be wearing one?) the…