Siriku Member


  • Bloody 'eck! Not inspiring? I think your progress fits the definition of inspiring, easily! Well done.
  • Yeah, if I ate when I was actually hungry, I would likely only be eating around 200-300 calories a day. I have to go around 18 hours or so before my body will even acknowledge wanting food. When I have particularly bad bouts of depression, I can go 2-3 days without feeling hungry or the urge to eat at all. On occasion,…
  • ^ Agree with this. Stronglifts would be a great place to begin. It improves strength over muscle though, so it wouldn't really address the appearance issues, only changing your mindset will do that.
  • Different people have different ideas of what's considered 'anorexic'. Unless there are clear health issues being displayed, you can't assume somebody has it. Even if they're tiny. A couple of people have wondered if I'm anorexic before (as well as a lot of people stating that I'm too skinny and need to eat more). My BF is…
  • 28th March to 28th April: 3.6lb 28th April to 28th May: 2lb. I think the 3.6 was partially down to doing the 5:2 diet. When eating on a casual deficit, 2lb a month is pretty standard. However, I've only got 10 pounds left to lose until I roughly hit my target BF (7%) and I've been doing weight lifting instead of cardio…
  • Appearance should not be the issue. There are variations in how people look, so there's no defining curvature, or muscle/fat ratio that can be defined as perfect. People can be overweight and healthy, and a large part of fat acceptance is image based; that is, combating the erroneous idea that everyone should be one ideal…
  • "IS IT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO HAVE GAINED 2 or 3 pounds in 3 days? " Of fat? Only if you've gone 7000 to 10500 calories over your TDEE. Of water weight? Yes. This happens quite often if you consume high amounts of sodium (so Gatorade will contribute to that). Good news is that water weight comes off a lot easier. Relax.
  • Bread. Bread is also my biggest weakness...if I could kick it, this fat loss thing would go a lot smoother.
  • You can :).
  • 6-7%. My current BF is somewhere between 12-13%.
  • I finished it fairly recently Link to my results is here (Pics/thoughts): I had limited results but if you have more to lose, I imagine you'll have more luck :)
  • Breakfast is usually porridge with six different types of seeds. 295 calories.Fibre for that is about 6g. Daily, I get anywhere from 20g to 50g per day (average is around 30g)
  • If the packaging doesn't clearly denote the weight of something (for instance, anything not in sachets or single packets) then always. Except for in restaurants and such, but half of the stuff I eat out has MFP entries or something fairly close to them anyway. It's probably not as bad if you have a lot of weight to lose…
  • Thanks all :). Glad others can see some improvement. For comparison, this is what I looked like when I was 10 pounds lighter. I'd like to get back to this in a month or two: I've been considering doing 6 week 6 pack next, although I am looking at several ab programs and the results people are getting before I choose one. I…
  • I believe one study said that a few cups a day (3-4, but don't quote me on that) raises the metabolism by about 4%. Hardly a magical result; however other health benefits make it worth drinking. I've been drinking 2-3 cups a day for a few years now. Zero calorie, so at the very least it's better for you than soft/energy…
    in Green Tea Comment by Siriku April 2014
  • Also Vegan, feel free to add. My diary is open.
  • I'll have to start drinking shakes soon to increase my protein intake, as it's a little low for my goals. Lentils are a pretty good way of getting more in though, if you haven't already added them.
  • Green vegetables. I eat anywhere from 500g-1kg a day. Extremely filling, and low in calories.