suzyw7 Member


  • Hi, I'm going to be 41 this year. I need to lose around 15-20 to get to a goal weight I've been wanting to achieve for a long time! Over the past few years I've lost around 30 pounds since having my daughters 11 and 9 years ago. I exercise every day, usually a Beachbody program. I'm currently doubling up doing PiYo every…
  • I've started Body Revolution today. I've been doing Jillian's dvd's for over two years now so I found the workout quite easy, so I did the higher impact of a lot of the moves. I'm looking to lose my last 10-14 pounds and hopefully drop a dress size or two!! What kind of results are people seeing so far?
  • :smile: That's great. Thank you so much
  • I do try to stick to my calories for the day, because I don't want to be pigging out one day and then restricting the next. But if I do go over I don't worry about it because for me as long as I'm within calories by the end of the week I'm happy. I'm steadily losing weight so it must be working! I think it's about whatever…
  • Okay, thanks for that. I'll run the numbers again and see what comes out. Do you think the way I plan to do it is correct with the TDEE or should I just carry on with base calories and eating back my exercise calories the way I have been doing for the past month?
  • I didn't realise I would only need a 10-15% deficit. I've been exercising consistently for approx three months and didn't lose any weight, I have lost plenty of inches though. It's only been in the past month that I've been seriously counting calories that I've lost actual weight, which I was pleased about! I'm the lowest…
  • Yes I only weigh once a week. Funnily enough I did eat later last night as we went to a party and had buffet food, I ate more than I normally would at that time of night so that may be it. I did used to weigh every day but I was getting so obsessed with my weight that I now only weigh once a week and take that number as my…
  • I'm doing this too! I'm at level 1, day 6. For the first three days my muscles were screaming at me whenever I moved! Today is the first day where I feel they aren't hurting. I'm doing 10 days at every level with no rest days. I've done it before and took rest days, but I'm hoping to see even better results this time so…