

  • So, who else had a big blow-out for Australia Day? Even worse, did you make it a 4 day weekend and live it up a bit too much.... like I did?! :P I always knew I'd have a day off for Australia Day, but yeah , it kind of dragged on a bit. I'll wait until next week to do an official weigh-in :-/
  • lol... had to laugh at this thread. melbourne, australia here; 5:34pm and i've had just one beer, so far... oh well, australia day weekend was always going to be a blow-out :P at least it's great day for it!
  • OK Alkirra, i've messed around with your spreadsheet and now it's basically the same as mine. the one thing you need to note is this: when you add a new weigh-in value, you'll notice the field G5 isn't automatically calculating anything. this is the only manual part of the sheet. if you look at the formula in G4, it reads…
  • i'm reasonably confident that jnthwaite updates the pretty colourful page by hand, because none of the formulae seem to reference to other worksheets. if this is right, good on you mate (or i guess, whoever IS doing it!)
  • @alkirra: don't stress about *only* losing 400g after a week of hard work! Remember that so long as you weigh in once a week, on the same day, at roughly the same time, then the only thing that actually matters is a downward trend over time; not a huge amount of weight apparently lost between two arbitrary points :) I…
  • i added a couple more columns to my sheet; one with cumulative kg lost so far, and one which shows that weight as a % lost from the original weigh-in. feel free to copy the formula if you want to do the same :)
  • you could just add a new column on your worksheet that calculates the total as opposed to the weekly?
  • I've just joined today but have entered retrospectively - good luck all in 2012! It'll be interesting to check back after, say, Q1 of this year :)