

  • I'll tell you what, that tracking sure keeps us accountable, doesn't it???!! If you want to check it out, we also have a closed group on FB called Sojourning Sisters. You can send a request to Janee if you'd like to join. We talk every day on that site. :-)
    in Tips Comment by chrisie1967 May 2013
  • I'll tell you what, that tracking sure keeps us accountable, doesn't it???!! If you want to check it out, we also have a closed group on FB called Sojourning Sisters. You can send a request to Janee if you'd like to join. We talk every day on that site. :-)
    in Tips Comment by chrisie1967 May 2013
  • Wow Katie! That is GREAT! Good for you!!! How have you been so successful? Also, check out our FB Group Sojourning Sisters. It's a closed group, but you can request to join and Janee will check it out! We talk daily there. :-)
  • Any type of sugar (including natural sugars) or just processed? Is that how you've lost 18 pounds? That's awesome! Would love to hear more about what you are doing to achieve that 18 pounds. :-)
    in Tips Comment by chrisie1967 May 2013
  • Secrets being a key word to avoid. I agree. I'm going to do my best at logging my food this next weekend~!
  • Yep! We can! After my weekend, I GAINED! UGH! That's what I get for not keeping a weekend journal. Oh well. This weekend will be different. :-)
  • And I don't know if this will work for you, but you might look into an all natural supplement to help with your stress levels. Consult your health food store or pharmacist. Also, I am a big believer that everyone should take Omega 3 with EPA/DHA. The reason being that it has anti-inflammatory properties. It is the…
    in Stress Comment by chrisie1967 May 2013
  • The stress factor makes complete sense! And i like the idea of that one day every two weeks instead of every week! Thanks!!!