

  • Thanks for the positivity!
  • When was the last time you saw your doctor? I would get a checkup.
  • The best thing I find about drinking lots of water is how quickly my skin clears up!
  • but that was because we were nomads, having to scratch out an existence everyday. We died from things like exposure and being killed by predators and poisoning and crazy stuff! When we began living in communities we could devote less energy to self preservation, and more to social development. That had some drawbacks too,…
  • It could be that you don't have as much to lose, so its slower. Also take your measurements! I didn't lost anything this week and was super bummed, but then I took my measurements and had lost inches. You're going to have good weeks and bad weeks, just don't give up! I live in Toronto and our Mayor who weighs 330 lbs is…
  • Also, vodka water with a couple limes helps keep you hydrated while drinking!
    in Alcohol.... Comment by 5em9 January 2012
  • I go to the gym the day after and work it off. This gets rid of any hangover symptoms and let's me go out and have fun guilt free. Not eating before you go out puts you in the danger zone!
    in Alcohol.... Comment by 5em9 January 2012