


  • 5em9
    5em9 Posts: 9
    I go to the gym the day after and work it off. This gets rid of any hangover symptoms and let's me go out and have fun guilt free. Not eating before you go out puts you in the danger zone!
  • 5em9
    5em9 Posts: 9
    Also, vodka water with a couple limes helps keep you hydrated while drinking!
  • chriscoates7025
    chriscoates7025 Posts: 131 Member
    When I decided to take this weight loss journey, one of the things I committed to was that I would not get any calories from anything I drink. So I cut out EVERYTHING with calories in it. It has worked great!
  • amisbest
    amisbest Posts: 38 Member
    You have to log your alcohol calories. My question is why do you have to drink alcohol? I have tried to figure this out in my own life and, when it come down to it, I can't justify the extra calories. I would rather eat something than use it on some not nutritious liquid that (I believe) keeps me from getting to my ultimate goal. My goal is more important. You can substitute many other drinks for alcohol. The hard part is being around people who are drinking :)
  • oouurr__aayylleeyycan
    Get on the dancefloor all night - none of this sultry slinky stuff, throw your hands in the air and moooooove!
    I love that move ;-)))))))))))

    That's my ONLY move! :-)
  • jstreams
    i think voli vodka is my favorite alcohol to drink since it's low calorie and has so many different flavors! check out their website for cocktail ideas and nutrition info. i've seen it at sam's club and fergie owns it now!! great for saving those calories on the weekends
  • goodhealth2012
    So being a student, this is the hardest part of losing weight. Just wondering what everyone else does, do you count the calories from your drink as extra, or do you factor them into your day and eat a lot less if you know your going out? Its a friends birthday today so i have included the drinks im going to have, but this means i have hardly any calories left to eat.
    That's life.

    We must decide what's important.
    If the fleeting pleasures of drinking and eating are more of a priority than your fitness goals, then so be it.
    Alcohol is nothing but empty calories.

    Try this.
    Drink soda with lime. Nobody will notice, and just relax, have fun and don't drink.
    Dance and log that in as exercise.

    You'd be surprised at how much fun a person can have going and not drinking. You could volunteer to be the designated driver - whatever.

    Again, it boils down to how bad you really want to reach your goals.

    i agree! you don't need alcohol to have fun. There are more health risks than benefits and just one glass affects your judgment enough that it's hard to stop!
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    So being a student, this is the hardest part of losing weight. Just wondering what everyone else does, do you count the calories from your drink as extra, or do you factor them into your day and eat a lot less if you know your going out? Its a friends birthday today so i have included the drinks im going to have, but this means i have hardly any calories left to eat.
    That's life.

    We must decide what's important.
    If the fleeting pleasures of drinking and eating are more of a priority than your fitness goals, then so be it.
    Alcohol is nothing but empty calories.

    Try this.
    Drink soda with lime. Nobody will notice, and just relax, have fun and don't drink.
    Dance and log that in as exercise.

    You'd be surprised at how much fun a person can have going and not drinking. You could volunteer to be the designated driver - whatever.

    Again, it boils down to how bad you really want to reach your goals.

    I agree with this man. He's awesome!!
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    I love alcohol, and I have to say I'm probably at my best after a few glasses of wine too - I'm a loving, warm , affectionate drunk. I'm the sort of drunk who sings love songs to foxes and dances down the street with joy.

    I'm never going to give it up completely, I enjoy it too much. What I'm doing, and still losing weight, is to make sure my drinking day is my weekly cheat day and/or bank the calories from the rest of the week for that nights drinking. Plan ahead, if you know you are going out Friday night, eat 100 calories less each day the rest of the week. DON'T deprive yourself of food that night - that way lies disaster...

    I like her idea too!
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    I love alcohol, and I have to say I'm probably at my best after a few glasses of wine too - I'm a loving, warm , affectionate drunk. I'm the sort of drunk who sings love songs to foxes and dances down the street with joy.

    I'm never going to give it up completely, I enjoy it too much. What I'm doing, and still losing weight, is to make sure my drinking day is my weekly cheat day and/or bank the calories from the rest of the week for that nights drinking. Plan ahead, if you know you are going out Friday night, eat 100 calories less each day the rest of the week. DON'T deprive yourself of food that night - that way lies disaster...

    I like her idea too!

    Friends of mine will know that's exactly what I do! I'll go out get a take away and then do whatever I want, make up for it the other 6 days!
  • teagan911
    I plan ahead. I eat much lighter 2 days prior. I will also put in an extra hard workout that week. Light (clear) liquor has less calories than dark. I'm a lightweight though, so I never have more than 4 drinks.
  • onefourone
    Sorry i have not comment I saw the topic and was looking for free samples :)
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Sorry i have not comment I saw the topic and was looking for free samples :)

    LOL :drinker:
  • kayleigh333
    Clear spirits and diet mixers (vodka, malibu etc.), get a good gym sesh in before you go out, and get up and dance as much as possible to burn some calories off! I once had to go 6 months without drinking while I was a student because of medication I was on and I honestly had some amazing nights out sober, so you can limit the amount of drinks you have and still have a good night.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Why do people think it's okay to not eat properly throughout the day just so you can drink? IMO, if you are serious about this lifestyle change your deit and eating habits throughout the day should be the priority, not the late night drinking calories. If you are drinking without eating much throughout the day that is bad news. You can still have success here and have a few drinks. Have a drink with diet coke and a shot of something... be the DD as someone mentioned so you still go and have fun but don't drink.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    So being a student, this is the hardest part of losing weight. Just wondering what everyone else does, do you count the calories from your drink as extra, or do you factor them into your day and eat a lot less if you know your going out? Its a friends birthday today so i have included the drinks im going to have, but this means i have hardly any calories left to eat.
    Okay I remember being a student and to tell the truth after a certain number of drinks, there's no way I could accurately recall how many I had.
    Drink a lot of fluid before you drink, that way you don't drink too much to begin with. Second, do you really have to drink or do you do it because you want to fit in?
    Personally I've quit drinking because I realized that I was doing it to fit in with everyone. Now I'm usually the DD anytime there are friends that go out and drink. I still have loads of fun because I know I don't have to drink to enjoy myself. I just laugh at all the drunks around me.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • seehawkmomma
    I drink less

    ((thats a joke))
  • julia80
    julia80 Posts: 69 Member
    I also have this problem because when I drink I often find myself in the pizza place afterwards. I started by not eating a lot on the day that I would be drinking but this didn't turn out well because I got drunk too quickly as I didn't have a good meal in me. I tend to limit the nights out now and try and reduce my calorie intake a bit on the day and just go over a little, either that or do an extra workout in the morning and use my exercise calories for alcohol, lol.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I know that Fri-Sun, I am most likely going to have something to drink. I typically will work out extra hard/long in the mornings to give myself extra calories to use. You want to make sure you eat before you drink otherwise there will be problems!
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Research shows that heavy daily drinkers do not get fat from all the booze they drink, so what you need to do is become a serious alcoholic. I had a friend in college who was a Zima alcoholic and she had the figure of a gymnast. And that was on Zima! Of course, she eventually found that alcohol could no longer control her schitzophrenia so she had to check into a mental institution and got all bloated from the lithium. However, she got through college looking totally hot and graduated with a high GPA.