I also have PCOS and Insulin Resistance....feel free to add!
I also have PCOS and Insulin Resistance, thank you all for sharing your stories!
Thanks for all of your posts guys!
OMGGG yay walking dead is back!
Yes me too! I need friends! I'm 180 with 30 lbs to go
Yay I love this post!
Yes! I was never a runner but it starts you out pretty easy and gradually adds more jogging time. Everytime I start a new week I'm like crap, i gotta run for 3 minutes now and then by the end of the week I'm doing it no problem! Its very rewarding to see yourself being able to run for longer distances each week.
I am also doing couch to 5K, on week 4 now. I love it so far and love that it gives me another goal to work towards other than just watching the scale! Each week is a series of walking and jogging for a certain amount of minutes. Not being a runner at all, I find that its cardio i actually can and enjoy doing but it also…
Interior & Graphic Designer Here :) :) :)
I started again mid cycle 12 days after my period ended and it has lasted 6 days so far.
I just came across this post and am also relieved, I have been experiencing the same exact thing. I had a full period mid cycle and am also on the pill.