

  • Holy cow! You can walk 4 miles? I've had CFS for 2-ish years and on very good day I can maybe walk a mile. But that's like a once-in-6-months kind of deal. On most days I can only walk about a block or so, if I rest most of the day. I think one of the most important things is keeping each day very consistent. Don't push…
  • It's much healthier to eat a large breakfast the next morning than to stock up on calories late. Stop eating a couple of hours before you go to bed and splurge on a delicious meal in the morning. Listen to your body; if you're not hungry, don't eat!
  • Work your way up slowly to 1906. Go up 50-100 calories a week from what you're doing right now. Otherwise (from what I've read) your body will just store up the newfound calories, expecting that you're return to 1200-1300 soon. That being said, if you want to lose weight faster, 1200 calories a day is fine, just make sure…
  • I occasionally get a veggie sandwich from Subway, but otherwise I haven't had fast food since... November? Wow, I guess that's right. It's doable!
  • When I was doing Insanity I did 1900 calories a day and my metabolism was raging. Make sure you do the 5 meals a day (instead of just 3), or split them up even more (make 3 or 4 smaller snacks). Make sure you keep you're not skimping on protein; it helps curb hunger. Also, I've noticed for myself that if I am actually…