simeson Member


  • I agree with what Deluxe said...soon they will all realize that your hard work and determination has made a difference! Then they will be envious! Keep at it girl xo
  • Hugs to you!! You can totally rock this journey!! sending you a friend request :)
  • I have the "never good enough" attitude as well. It SUCKS because I am the best coach and supporter to those around me but tend to never be good to myself. A few things I do to make it easier on myself..... 1. I write a gratitude journal every day. I pick ten things and before I go to bed at night I write 10 things that I…
  • Do you think that you feel "lost" right now because of what your husband said and how he said it?? IF you have been feeling better all week with the dog walking and then he said the gym comment then perhaps the issue is that you should tell him that you feel that comment wasn't very supportive of you. If he needs to get…
  • Thanks everyone! I've requested those that hadn't sent one to me first! I really believe its important to be surrounded by like minded people! I love this site and have used it off and on for a while but now hopefully i can make it be more on then off LOL
  • Hi!! Oh photography is something I've done in the past for a few years but just couldn't keep up. It became more a chore then a passion so I stopped. Now I just do things for friends. Its a difficult balance for sure!! Good for you for trying to find time to focus on YOU!!
  • I've noticed others using their household work for exercise but I'd never thought of it. I live in a house with 8 other people!! (We are foster parents...) I do A LOT of laundry LOL