cantwaitk8 Member


  • microwaved salmon from single pouch with mrs. dash + fresh fruit and cheese stick or +frozen green giant vegetable + fresh fruit
  • Thanks so much for your reply. It helps me focus on getting there! I knew I wasn't even close to in good shape before I started lol. Yesterday just confirmed it for me WOW! I have plyo tonight. I hit a plateau just going to the gym and I needed a change. It seems to have worked I lost a half of a pound since yesterday…
  • I am having the same problem. I did see significant weight loss to begin with then it has just stopped. I have not lost anything in almost 2 weeks. I am eating strick 1200 calories and working out almost 5-6 days of week 30+ intense minutes. I am going to try eating more calories. I am hoping that helps.
  • When I was nursing on a regular schedule I added nursing under the exercise section and added the number of calories allotted for nursing.
    in Nursing Comment by cantwaitk8 May 2011
  • You look Beautiful!
  • I am not really sure but I would think if the drink is caffinated then the ice will offset the water loss as a result of the caffiene. Caffiene causes dehydration.
  • Thanks for the good ideas for playlists
  • Hi am also a breastfeeding mom of a 5 week old big boy! I am eating 1800 calories a day and trying to get back in the routine of loosing weight and working out. I have lost 26 pounds of baby weight so far and have 24 to go! I haven't done so great tracking my calories yet but I am working on it!
  • Hello I am also a new mom to my second child. I used mfp before I got pregnant and lost 30 pounds but gained 50 during the pregnancy. I am breastfeeding exclusively. I read I need to consume at least 1800 calories for the baby. I wish they did include a way to log bfing on the site i think i will use the exercise log to…
  • I don't know if you have the money but the Wii Fit is great! Easy to use and give you a good workout!
  • 1. I recently got a cheap heart rate monitor watch from walmart ($25). I have been using it like the instructions say and it has been giving me almost 100 calories more burnt during my workout than the machines say. Which one would be more accurate? 2. I have been working out 5-6 days a week 30min-1hr cardio only. I really…
  • I am a teacher and I have decided that I am going to put me first! So no matter what I always get in my workout. Usually at the end of the day. I take my 1 year old daughter to the nursery and do atleast 30 min. I workout on Sat and Sun as well. I have actually decided that I am changing careers. I am tired of never…
  • My gym has this machine I think it is called the Natilus Treadclimber. It is awesome has anyone else used it? What did you think? I love it!
  • I was wondering when working out is it best to do the random where the resistance levels change intermitently or the manual? I have been doing the random at level 2-3 for 30 I burn around 300 calories and my HR stays elevated. I was just wondering what is best or if it even matters. I only see other people at the gym doing…
  • If you have PCOS you should try the Insulin Resistance Diet. It is all about balancing proteins and carbs and explains it pretty easy. I do not have PCOS but was diagnosed with it once (turns out that doc was wrong) but I found the book then. I am using it now and WOW I can stay within my calorie range and not get hungry…
  • It is not my FAVORITE thing to do. I just keep telling myself when I see the results it will all be worth while. Meanwhile when I am there I try to watch something on T.V. that I like because when I am at home I never have time for that. Good Luck
  • Hi all- I am Kate and I am here to make a LIFE change. I would like to loose 50 pounds ultimately. I have been a mfp member for about 2 weeks and I have lost 5 POUNDS ALREADY. I LOVE the site. I hope to reach my goal weight smoothly and maintain from there. I am thrilled to hear everyones story on here. The successes are…