Back again back on track new fitbit feeling positive just need new friends to keep me motivated and support each other
hi ive just started am on my second day, enjoying it so far just got to get over being tired all the time.
hi all did fasting last year lost a stone but then felled off the wagon and didn't get back on. Am back been doing it for the past 3 weeks lost 7lbs so far going to input what i eat on fasting days on fitness-pal (Mondays and Thursdays) will try to put what i eat the other days :)
hi just brought a fitbit zip looking for people to encourage each other and compare stats! etc mine is you welcome to join friends on fitnesspal to
which one would u say is the best to use
done for u
hi i brought one really easy to use, ive open a group to get other people who brought them.
Hi am the same but I've got to the point now in my life where I know when how and what will happen . Some days are great and some are not, so my bad days I just eat something really healthy for tea no snack. Hope u having a lovely day
thanks i dont know where to start with weights, i think thats why ive never tried them.
what net mean? soz i worked out by using the method they said to found out what calories i should be eating
am from derbyshire looking for new fitness buddies