philsykes Member


  • my 5k PB is 20:59 at a parkrun event... would love to get under 20mins but just cant push myself that little bite more :-( Not yet anyway maybe one day!
  • I started by walking my dog for a few miles a night after work and twice on a saturday and sunday, as i had bad shin splints and this helped build the muscles up in my shins.... After a couple of weeks i left the dog in the house (dont worry he still got a walk as well!) and started to jog, found a pace i was comfortable…
  • Cheers everyone... I am now at 54lbs... 2lbs to go and thats my 4stone mark hit..! hopefully when i get weighed in on tuesday after squash tonight and 2/3 5k runs this weekend
  • Thank you everyone the support on MFP is unbelievable... I had my weekly weigh in this week... Lost 4lbs so hopefully next week I will lose 3lbs and break the 4st mark (or 2lb will do to hit it on the nose!)
  • I have just been eating healthy food having salads / rice / chicken / fish / boiled potato etc... everything they tell you to eat but one of the big thing for me was cutting red meat out of every meal and just having it as a treat... I don't work out that much to be honest... I enjoy taking my dog for a good walk so he…
  • Everything in moderation! :smile:
  • Yeah 13 weeks... its been a complete lifestyle change stopped filling my body with rubbish cheap food and alcohol (apart from the odd tipple here and there!) and took in greens and water... It can be done so keep up your work and you will be happy when the results show!
  • Congratulations... it is a great feeling shame i dont have another 50 to go to feel like this again ha ha... but my next goal will be a massive high...! Good luck on your journey
  • The weight lose is really weird I feel healthier and in photos you can see the difference.... BUT... (always a but...!) when I am gettign ready or looking in the mirror I dont see the change as much as I should yes I see that i am slimmer but I still see a belly and a couple extra chins! Hopefully I will get passed this…
  • Cheers... Hopefully I will reach my next goal of 64lbs and upload more pictures.... But then I will need to maintain and improve my muscle...
  • Yeah its a biggest loser style competition at work 50 of us in it and I am leading the pack at the minute... Its great motivation as there is a money prize for the winner (which will be decided by % lost by August 7th/8th)
  • Thanks for your comments... it keeps me motivated to continue with the lifestyle change I started in January... The exercise started with walking my dog 1.5/2 mile a day and then increasing that to 4 miles, play squash and football once a week And now I am up to 5 mile runs and doing my first charity run in may, as well as…
  • Cheers.... Looking forward to achieving and going passed my goal which was a 30 week target...! Now looks like a 15 week target
  • I use endomondo for all my cardio work...
  • - 7... room for improvement....