

  • Bzmommy, glad you are back! Good luck and don't be afraid to post if you need encouragement!! :)
  • New plan off to a GREAT success!! Lost 7 lbs in the first week. Maybe a lot of water weight but I am not caring!! Settling in for week two and totally pumped!. Kpower - how did the race go on Saturday??
  • New diet and workout designed by a trainer. Goal is to lose eight to ten pounds in June. Aiming high! Starts tomorrow after I have all my essentials (food and vitamins). Last month for me before the kids are out for the summer and life on a routine falls by the wayside so I plan on making it count. Up at 5:20 and walking…
    in June goals Comment by klv22kath May 2012
  • Doing ok so far but not great at mid week point! I did my morning cardio Monday and Tuesday but was tired and lacked motivation this morning. Have not done either of my two night workouts yet and I am running out of days!! Meals have been ok too. I have stayed within my calories for the most part, maybe slightly over but…
  • Did not weigh myself so don't have a starting weight (have not weighed in a bit). So, my mini goal is to do cardio in the morning again this week for 4 out of the 5 days and to do some form of excercise at least 2x at night this week. So far, I started out well and have one morning cardio under my belt! Back on track!…
  • Sorry to hear about your Grandmother's passing. May the Lord comfort you in your time of loss. :heart: I am up for diet again for May. Perhaps people could focus on reaching a few mini goals while focusing on their diets in May. Then we would incorporate that idea as well without being overwhelmed? I am up for…
  • Weekends are tough, no doubt about it! However, in the view of lifestyle change vs diet, I allow more freedom and flexibility for my weekend. I do not do cardio and instead focus on doing activities with my children. I eat less structured meals and enjoy my time with them since I see them a lot less during the week. The…
  • Tabatha - Too funny about the Easter chocolate and then the ice cream! Sounds like my house for sure!! I am fine if it is not in the house. I am not so great when the temptations are lying around. Tough morning for me this morning. Could not drag myself out of bed. I just felt so tired. So, the plan is to do some cardio…
  • kng623 thanks for the tip about the bars. Do they sell them in Canada? Not sure where you are located. As for working out with my husband, although your suggestion is a great one, it won't work for us. My husband is actually a National level bodybuilder and spends a great amount of time at the gym (another reason I don't…
  • IN! Thanks Brenda for taking the lead. My name is Kathleen and April has been a struggle. However, this week is going really well with food and morning cardio, but would like to add something in after the boys head to bed. I am usually looking after my two boys (ages 4 and 7 on the 27th!) by myself since my husband is…
  • You are not alone in that struggle! Check out the April Challenge topic. I have been doing great so far this week (much improved from last week!). Not sure why a thread for this week has not popped up yet (hopefully everyone doing ok) but feel free to join the April Challenge! Stay strong and focused :happy:
    in New!! Comment by klv22kath April 2012
  • Welcome! And congratulations on what you have accomplished so far!! Nice group of ladies in this group - great support. :)
    in New!! Comment by klv22kath April 2012
  • Not feeling quite as bad now that I have read other posts! I have had a brutal week too! It is like the Easter aftermath continued...I have not had the energy to get out of bed in the morning for my cardio, I am starving throughout the day and after supper. I think I managed to stay under calories once this week???!!! I am…
  • Ok, Easter weekend is over! Last week, Thursday and Friday were under calorie goal but Saturday, Sunday and Monday were not good. Back on track today - no exercise this morning but eating healthy! Welcome kng623 :)
  • MeAfter30: Just checked out the McDonalds website...think I will pack something in the car! LOL! Eeeks! Would rather save my treat for a MillCreek chocolate peaunt butter egg or mashed potatoes with some gravy :wink: Hoping to stay strong except for the one day celebrating with Easter dinner. My kids are excited for Easter…
  • This week has proved to be a bit challenging so far! Tuesday I was over my calories by 47 calories so not too bad but just useless eating later in the evening, even though it was good stuff like soy beans. I did 30 minutes of cardio in the AM on Tuesday. Wednesday - under calorie goal ! YEAH!! Cardio in the AM and PM.…
  • Mind if I join you for April? I seem to go over my calorie goals on the weekend so maybe this will keep me in check a bit more. :smile: Monday - 30 min. on treadmill in am and 25 min. on treadmill in pm - within calorie goal (want better food choices though).
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I am definitely not quitting and I am going to try my best to make that scale pay come next Friday!
  • Just reading your posts motivates me! What a great group of ladies!! Marathons, MBAs, three plus kids, no sleep at night, but still trying their best to look and feel great. Does not matter if it is walking, zumba, or some workout video that kills ya (gotta get me one of those lol!). I say you are all doing great just by…
  • I am pretty plain jane when it comes to cooking because I am always watching the added fat, etc. that comes in those extra sauces and things like that, and I am not a fabulous cook! LOL But, here are some pretty simple things, very LOW in fat and calories that taste pretty darn good (I think)! Can of tuna mixed with…
  • I get up before the boys (5:20 am) and do 30 minutes of cardio on the bike in our basement. I try for 4 or 5 days (Mon-Fri). I then try to do PS3 Fit in Six (or something like that - I forget the name) at least three times a week. There are different programs to choose from including some kick boxing moves and pilates,…
  • JennR2006 - Love your post! I use the tired excuse all the time too! After working and commuting and because my husband works afternoons I have the kids 24/7...I often get lazy. I have found that a 5:20 morning bike (indoor cycle) in my basement has been working well, but I REALLY want to do some other stuff after the kids…
  • Hi Everyone, I just joined this group. I have been on MFP for just over a month and I like the accountability of tracking my food. I feel a bit stuck after losing 8lbs and would like to lose about 8 more. I sometimes find it difficult to "fit in" because I am not looking at losing huge amounts of weight, but I do feel I…
  • Hi Dan, I am not in a similar situation as I am looking to lose, but my husband is a National level bodybuilder and is always trying to gain in the off season. Are you looking to gain muscle/size or just to have a healthier frame? It is important to choose the right foods to gain rather than just focusing on number of…