Hi need support with gaining weight

Hi im trying to gain weight and im using this site to track my calorie intake. I am currently weighing
125lbs and my height is 5:10 and im 21 ive done research on how many calories i should be eating an i am aiming for about 3000 per day if i gain more than 1 lb per week i will cut bak so im not gaining to much fat . I need some friends in a similar situation to keep me motivated and network between eachother for help
Really appreciate guys and gals cheers


  • klv22kath
    Hi Dan,
    I am not in a similar situation as I am looking to lose, but my husband is a National level bodybuilder and is always trying to gain in the off season. Are you looking to gain muscle/size or just to have a healthier frame? It is important to choose the right foods to gain rather than just focusing on number of calories. Good luck! (My husband has a facebook page if you are interested in muscle growth - let me know) :)
  • dansmith933
    Hi thanks for replying im not to sure on what i want really deep down i think its more a healthier frame because i cant stand the way i look so i think thats what i am aiming for at the moment. I do understand a little bit about carbs fats ( the good ones) and protein and do aim for a 55:30:15 ration just so i can bulk then when i want to gain muscle and define my figure i can change that aswell as my calories id still be very intereted in your husbands facebook as it can give me a good insite into a person thats done it before
    Again thanks for your reply