danielleneumann Member


  • And my boyfriend keeps telling me I need to eat more protein so maybe this time I'll listen to him and pretend it was his idea.
  • :blushing: Those are all excellent suggestions everyone. I really really appreciate it. I'm going to think more about what has been said and try a few of the suggestions. To answer ruthiecass yes I have taken breaks. Probably no more than 2 weeks and no i didn't notice too much of a difference. I am trying to be honest…
  • And just to reiterate I also do cardio about 4-5 times a week. I'll do treadmill or elliptical on the days that I'm at the gym and the other day or two a week is outside jogging in the sun with my dog :smooched: When I'm doing the cardio at the gym I probably do steady state cardio 50% of the time and HITT training the…
  • Thanks everyone. So I would agree that I probably should concentrate on eating more protein so I am going to try that. For those of you who say to concentrate more on lifting weights - I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what kind of goals I could aim for. Right now I am lifting weights at the gym 3 times a…
  • Thanks for replying to the topic everybody but I'm still hoping people with success stories can offer some suggestions. I've tried laying off the weights bcattoes for 3 months and just did cardio and I did not have positive results.
  • Ok I changed my picture to a more realistic picture of my stomach. I am not saying I'm fat but I have a lot of room to improve if I want to look "fit". It is not the number on the scale it is how I look and feel and I am happy with my body except for my muffin top.
  • Thank you tryinghard71. I do think that things look good except for my stomach. I wouldn't worry about the scale if my stomach where in shape but when the scale goes down my stomach starts looking better and flatter. I still have quite a bit of muffin top that I am trying to lose. i am happy with the rest of my body and…
  • Me too! I am interested to hear more about this. I recently switched yogurts because I noticed the plain organic yogurt I was buying had 10 grams of sugar per serving. So I switched to one that's 4 grams. Other than that though I don't have any suggestions because I eat the exact same way as you. My personal philosophy is…
  • I just did my first half marathon last year. -Always take the shortest route (sounds dumb but there are so many people that you'll want to dodge around or move to the other side of the road to avoid, if you do this careful because you might be wasting time) -Never wear anything different because it might chafe you - Don't…
  • I do the exact same thing. YES it is normal for the "whoosh"ing of weight lol. Happens to me all the time!
  • I recently purchased a polar ft7 and I was surprised to learn that I was burning 300 calories during 30 minutes of circuit training at the gym. You might be burning more calories than you think. I'd say listen to your body. If you're hungry, eat a bit more. You'll need the strength if you want to build muscle.
  • Thanks for the advice Macrocarpa! I do have an iPhone in fact. I have been using it in conjunction with the Nike+ chip that goes in your shoe for the last few years and I've liked it alot however, it doesn't give me enough info and you have to sync it every time you buy a new chip which I find annoying. If you don't sync…