Need help getting through a 1 year plateau

I would welcome any advice on how to get through a plateau that has lasted an ENTIRE YEAR!!! I started out at 132 pounds, my goal weight is 115 pounds but I have been stuck at 124 pounds for an entire year :(

My story...

I am 28 years old, female, 5'5'', 124 pounds. I have a desk job that requires little exercise, but I workout about 4-5 times a week to make up for it. For the last year my workouts have been mostly lifting weights 3 times a week and cardio 4-5 times a week. Sometimes I get bored and switch up things for a few months and take step classes, weight lifting group classes at my gym, etc but I usually return to lifting weights and cardio because I seem to have the best results. Most of the time when I do cardio I try and do HITT cardio but sometimes when I get bored or it's nice out I'll just do a run at the same pace outside with the god.

I should mention that (in my opinion) I eat pretty good/healthy. I'm not super strict because I like to enjoy my life, but if I eat too much one day I try and eat super healthy the next few days that follow. I never binge eat. Usually to me when I eat bad it's because I had too many glasses of wine (my fav) and got carb/sugar cravings and ate a few too many slices of pizza.

I started really concentrating on losing weight and getting fit a year and a half ago. I started out at 132 pounds (normal arms legs but a gross muffin top that was a major wardrobe malfunction). My first 6 months I was really committed. My normal calories per day where usually between 1400-1600 and I worked out pretty hard 5 days a week. The pounds came off steadily (1/2 or 1 pound a week) until I reached 124 pounds. Then everything just STOPPED!

I kept doing the same things but the scale would pretty much stay around 124 pounds. I would "diet" pretty hard to see if I could get down to my goal weight of 115 pounds and the scale would go down a bit (lowest has been probably 119) but as soon as I started having non diet food (pasta, bread, carrrbbbbss) the scale would almost immediately within a day pop back up to 124 pounds.

WHAT SHOULD I DO? How come I have stopped losing? I eat 1400-1600 cals a day, work out 5 times a week for an entire year and I haven't lost a pound?? Certainly I must be doing something wrong!

My diary is open to the public so please have a look. This last week I've been not that great but that's because I am getting discouraged - hence the need to write this post. Well actually this summer I have not been that great so please don't nitpick at the things I've been eating lately and just know that I normally do eat pretty well (but that's just my opinion).



  • You are the same height as me. 117 seems too small. You are very small in your profile picture. 124 is a great healthy weight for your height. I think you should just concentrate on being in shape instead of worrying what the scale says. You already look great.
  • danielleneumann
    danielleneumann Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you tryinghard71. I do think that things look good except for my stomach. I wouldn't worry about the scale if my stomach where in shape but when the scale goes down my stomach starts looking better and flatter. I still have quite a bit of muffin top that I am trying to lose. i am happy with the rest of my body and trust me my main goal is to be healthy. I will try to post a pic if I can figure it out...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You may have to lay off the weights to reach 115 at your height. In other words, you may have to lose some muscle. I am 5'5" and I could not weigh that little and lift weights. I can say that with confidence since I did weigh that when I was younger. I was not emaciated but I didn't have a lot of muscle.

    You look quite thin and firm in your profile pic. Is a number on the scale really so important?
  • AviaBatyah
    AviaBatyah Posts: 161 Member
    I need to keep up with this blog. I have been at a plateau too for 3 mths. So if anyone wants to look at my dairy look away. Dear you look great. You should be so proud of yourself :)
  • danielleneumann
    danielleneumann Posts: 15 Member
    Ok I changed my picture to a more realistic picture of my stomach. I am not saying I'm fat but I have a lot of room to improve if I want to look "fit". It is not the number on the scale it is how I look and feel and I am happy with my body except for my muffin top.
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    can't offer any advice. I've been stuck in a plateau since March of 2011 so I will be following to see what suggestions people may have. I have 10lbs to go as well....
  • danielleneumann
    danielleneumann Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for replying to the topic everybody but I'm still hoping people with success stories can offer some suggestions.

    I've tried laying off the weights bcattoes for 3 months and just did cardio and I did not have positive results.
  • andreaeose777
    andreaeose777 Posts: 24 Member
    I don' think you need to loose lbs, I think you need to loose inches. At 124 it's going to be hard to make the scale move. I think you need to really concentrate on strength training, and not what the scale says. A very toned 124 is going to look very different then where you are at now. I'd say cut back on your cardio (if your doing a bunch) and really concentrate on the weight lifting and building those core muscles. Also Jillian Micheals makes a book to get off the last 10lbs you might want to check it out.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Thanks for replying to the topic everybody but I'm still hoping people with success stories can offer some suggestions.

    I've tried laying off the weights bcattoes for 3 months and just did cardio and I did not have positive results.

    You look good! But I do now see what you are talking about. Maybe you should change your focus to BF% and losing inches and forget the scale. I'm not much of a lifter though so hopefully someone who is will jump in with some diet advice.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    This isn't helpful, but for what it's worth, you look hot! I wish I was your weight...
  • Hi There,

    I definitely understand where you are. What helped me get through my plateaus was to intergrate a catalyst that jumpstarted my metabolism. Compression technology was a great compliment to increased resistance training in the effort to break through the plateaus quickly and ultimately lose 65 lbs in 11 months. It may be helpful for you as well. Check out for more information on compression technology.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Agree with the others that you should focus more on the lifting and less on the scale at this point. What does your current weight lifting program look like? You'll probably do best with a program that emphasizes heavy compound lifts, along with a modest calorie deficit. Also make sure you're getting enough protein (1g per pound of lean body mass is a usually a good bet).

    And it looks like your diary's not set to public?
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I agree with everyone else that you need to focus on inches and BF% instead of the scale. Even if you dropped 5lbs, that's no guarantee that your stomach will decrease any.
    Maybe you need to find a new training program or hire a trainer to help you? You are getting to that point of sculpting your body rather than just getting fit - that requires a different level of training.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Enjoy your healthy body....:flowerforyou:
  • danielleneumann
    danielleneumann Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone. So I would agree that I probably should concentrate on eating more protein so I am going to try that. For those of you who say to concentrate more on lifting weights - I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what kind of goals I could aim for.

    Right now I am lifting weights at the gym 3 times a week. Each training session usually lasts about 30 minutes and it usually goes something like this:

    DAY 1
    Incline barbell press 3 sets of 4 reps
    Incline dumbbell flye 3 sets of 12 reps
    Flat bench dumbell fly 3 sets of 20 reps
    Lying triceps extension 2 sets of 4 reps
    Pushdown 2 sets of 12 reps
    Overhead dumbell extension 2 sets of 20 reps

    (Usually I do trisets)

    DAY 2
    Barbell Squat 3 sets of 4 reps
    Leg Press 3 sets of 12 reps
    Leg Extension 3 sets of 20 reps
    Standing calf raise 2 sets of 12 reps
    Seated calf raise 2 sets of 12 reps
    Donkey calf raise 2 sets of 12 reps

    DAY 3
    Seated overhead press 3 sets of 4 reps
    Dumbbell lateral raise 3 sets of 12 reps
    reverse pec dec fly 3 sets of 20 reps
    Barbell shrug 2 sets of 4 reps
    Incline dumbbell shrup 2 sets of 12 reps
    Behind the back smith machine shrug 2 sets of 20 mins each

    DAY 4
    Chin 3 sets of 4 reps
    Seated row 3 sets of 12 reps
    Straight arm lat pulldown 3 sets of 20 reps
    Preacher curl 2 sets of 4 reps
    Standing barbell curl 2 sets of 12 reps
    Hammer curl 2 sets of 20 reps

    Note: I do abs every time I'm at the gym (3 times a week). I do 3 sets of crunches on a ball with a 10 pound weight, usually about 15-25 reps. then I will do 3 sets of leg lifts about 12 to 15 reps.

    Note: DAY 4 ends up being the next week. I tried lifting weights 4 times a week but I didn't really like to because I like to jog outside in the sun twice a week and don't want to sacrifice the outside runs.

    I feel like this is a pretty solid weight training routine and I try to mix it up every month or two. Anyone have any suggestions to change things up to get out of this plateau and to flatten my stomach? Should I nix the cardio and weight train 4 or 5 times a week instead?
  • danielleneumann
    danielleneumann Posts: 15 Member
    And just to reiterate I also do cardio about 4-5 times a week. I'll do treadmill or elliptical on the days that I'm at the gym and the other day or two a week is outside jogging in the sun with my dog :smooched:

    When I'm doing the cardio at the gym I probably do steady state cardio 50% of the time and HITT training the other 50% of the time just to keep things from getting boring.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    For weight lifting, I'd go for heavier weights and fewer reps. That's where you'll really start to see improvements in body composition. Unless you're a more advanced lifter, you're likely to get the most benefit from a full body routine 2-3x/week.Check out The New Rules of Lifting for Women--it's got a lot of good info. Starting Strength and Stronglifts 5x5 are also good programs. Lyle McDonald's site, has some great information too. The cardio's sort of up to you. I mix mine up quite a bit, but only do it twice a week or so.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    why dont you try the plank, sit ups, scrunches, push ups..exercises to work on your core..and abdominal muscles. work on toning keep eating healthy n you will see changes. BTW a plateau is a few weeks... a stall is longer than 4-5 weeks.... you have stalled... or basically maintaining. even during those times changes occur..keep track of measurements..stay healthy n dont worry about the scale... sometimes the body knows when it's at the place it needs to be. working on muscle may keep you where you are...
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    And just to reiterate I also do cardio about 4-5 times a week. I'll do treadmill or elliptical on the days that I'm at the gym and the other day or two a week is outside jogging in the sun with my dog :smooched:

    When I'm doing the cardio at the gym I probably do steady state cardio 50% of the time and HITT training the other 50% of the time just to keep things from getting boring.

    In the year and a half since you've started dieting seriously, have you taken a break? Sometimes stressing your body with long-term dieting (especially as you do not have much fat to lose) can cause it to hold on to weight. I think taking a couple weeks + off from the cardio, eat at maintenance, and relax. After a break, you can start cutting calories again and ramp up the weight training. At your current body composition, I'd say that you should lift heavy, eat enough protein (1-1.5 g per lb of LBM), and lose slowly (~1/2 lb per week) in order to lose fat and retain the muscle you have. If you aren't already, you should use a food scale and be good about logging. You sound as though you may have been a bit relaxed about your diet, which you may need to change to reach your goals.

    Also, you noted that you seem to gain weight after starting to eat a "normal" diet. This is just water retention from carbs-- you should not be alarmed that you are gaining fat rapidly. Another reason for you to focus more on measurements/the mirror/etc. instead of scale weight.
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    Just to add what I wrote about being a bit more strict about your diet: you should be able to splurge occasionally and still meet your goals. But I would say that you definitely should be strict about the logging. Not that you need to avoid pizza/cake/FoodX forever. But you should have a handle on what your weekly calories and macros are.