

  • I'm a huge tennis shoe junkie and I really recommend Pumas. I have three pairs of their Voltaic line - && I love them! Also I'm a huge Nike fan, and their Free line is really good for running and stretching, even though they are kind of ugly!
  • My all-time fav. cereal is the Special K Cinnamon Pecan! The cinnamon is sort of sweet, but I think the pecans give it a nice woodsy flavor that kind of counteracts the sweetness. =)
  • I work at a restaurant so I know how it feels to just what to eat all the bad but delicious foods. So here are tips that I try to follow. If you MUST go out : Always drink a lot of water 30 mins before you eat, you will get fuller sooner. Talk more during the meal so that it takes longer to eat. Never order an appetizer,…
  • I am super stoked to try this! I absolutely love pancakes, and we can a blueberry bush that have tons of bluberrys that are needed to be used up - so this will be a perfect way to do that! Thanks for the recipe!
  • Two tips that really helped me lose lbs were : no eating after 8, and HIT. The first one is pretty self explanatory, for me I was eating most of my calories at 2 o'clock in the morning when I got off of work (im a waitress) and mcdonalds is on my way home. I stopped eating past 8 and I lost 6 lbs in a week! As well as the…
  • I absolutely LOVE mexican cheese dip- that and the cookie sundae from Applebees would probably be the two things I could live off of for the rest of my life and would die a happy person. lol
  • i think you look beautiful! i can tell the difference in your face! just dont forget that it takes awhile to start seeing results - i've lost 30 lbs and havent dropped a pants size, at first i was discouraged, but when i think back on how i use to feel, i am def. more confident in myself - even if i havent changed a pants…
  • CONGRATS! You look amazing and I hope you feel beautiful, because you truly are! I hope you have all the success you deserve!
  • Hi! I'm new here too and I'm proud that your taking the healthy jump too! I think your goal are very realistic ( however i am not a health expert ;( ) and i hope you have all the sucess in the world - just dont become too critical of your body. getting healthy should be an exciting experience and i just want you to be able…
  • these are awesome tips! and i def. going to try them out! thank you =)
  • Hi! I'm eighteen too and I usually exercise around 5 in the afternoon when I have the house to myself. I find it embarrassing to exercise when people are around because I'm really insecure about how out of shape I am, so 5 in the afternoon is usually the best time for me. Its the time before supper so I know not to…