
hesse_v Posts: 31 Member
Hi everyone! :) My name is Virginia.
Im 18 years old, and I am really glad I found this website! Though I am here to lose alittle weight, I am more concerned about the working out side of things. A few questions I have,

What are your favorite workouts?? :) I like to take my time with my workouts, mostly jogging, and ab stuff when i find time.

When do you find time to workout? Sometimes its just so difficult to find time for that workout!

Thanks SOOOO much!


  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    What works best for me is to workout as soon as I get home from work, that way I won't get wrapped up with everything and not be able to make time for my workout.
  • hesse_v
    hesse_v Posts: 31 Member
    Not a bad idea! :) Thanks for the tip!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    For me, the best time to work out is in the morning. I force myself to get up an hour early to do it. If I don't, I will find a million excuses not to do it at night. I am a busy mom with a full time job, and I also go to school. So there is a lot going on in my life and a lot of reasons to not work out.
  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    I always work out in the mornings, before work. I am a morning person anyway so I don't mind getting up early. And I've found that when I work out in the morning,
    a) I'm more likely to actually go to the gym, because I haven't gotten caught up in all the stuff that comes up during the day
    b) I eat less and have less of an urge to eat all day
    c) I don't feel sick or get cramps when I work out

    There have been times when I've been forced to go in the afternoons, and it just isn't as satisfying or successful for me.

    Regardless of whether you go in the morning, afternoon, evening, etc., I think the best ways to make sure you actually do the workout are
    1. Set a specific time and write it in your calendar/schedule. Don't just say "oh, I'll exercise later"--because later never comes!
    2. Don't overdo it. If you don't work out very often right now, don't jump into a 6-day-per-week workout schedule. Chances are you'll either burn out or injure yourself. Increase your intensity, duration, and number of workouts gradually over time, and you'll be a lot more likely to stick with it.

    Good luck!
  • girlmeetsworld93
    Hi! I'm eighteen too and I usually exercise around 5 in the afternoon when I have the house to myself. I find it embarrassing to exercise when people are around because I'm really insecure about how out of shape I am, so 5 in the afternoon is usually the best time for me. Its the time before supper so I know not to overindulge and I am really not that hungry anymore. As well as a big tip that helped my lose my last 6 lbs was to stop eating past 8 o'clock. I am a waitress so I usually don't get home until 2 am in the morning and mcdonalds is on my way home, so not only was I eating at an inappropriate time, but huge amounts of calories. Another tip I suggest is to take pure Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules 45 mins before you exercise, because it is said to burn up to 40% more actual fat during the workout, as well as its great for heart health.

    As far as workouts go, I will not step in a gym. I usually jog 2.2 miles around the police track up by my house, but since it's been too hot I've been looking to Youtube for free exercise videos. A few great videos are some by SarahFit,, ClickFitness, and Sparkpeople. This way you can save money, and the workouts never get boring because you can just switch to a different video!

    I hope this helped and let me know how this goes for you!

    -Harlie Dillard
  • hesse_v
    hesse_v Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for everyones help and advice! :) I will definatly try harder to wake up in the mornings, and just DO IT! I need to get into the early morning routine now, before school starts, so it isnt as difficult! :) and Thank you Harlie for the video ideas on youtube! I don't like to workout infront of people either!

    Thanks again everyone!!
