

  • If your pulling muscles then you dont have control of your workout it has control of you. you need to lighten it up. if you work weights one way to tell if the weights are too heavy is do the "baby kiss". let the weight touch your body (depending on what exercise your doing) with the force it would take to kiss a baby. if…
  • I dont think this woman is crazy............ I think shes an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!! Being a man ive of course never had a c section but i have been cut open from my sternum to below my belly button (cancer surgery). The crap of air in your belly is feasible but your body would remove it in a day or two. It will however take…
  • Its not the girls who are the only late bloomers. didnt get my first kiss till i met someone while in military at age 19. Found miss right at 23. This april will be 18 years of glorious marriage. Hang in there, that person will be along and youll be happy you waited
  • The workout regiment i do its impossible for me to eat the calories I have to do as it is unless i go back to the "bad foods" and i refuse to do that. If i eat what im supposed to today i would have eaten over 4000 calories, i jut finished dinner and im only at 1530
  • Flovored water is fine as long as it doesnt have alot of calories. I would really try to stay away from the gatorade though. If you read the label the 32 oz bottle has as much sugar and calories as a 12 oz can of soda
  • Last company required physical dr gave me very ugly results. tipped the scale at 250 lbs, high blood pressure and colesterol was at 1008 (200 is high). Plus I get that runners high you hear about from marathon runners by climbing a flight of steps. Figured its time to start living
  • I go to gym at 4 am but only because im in afghanistan and the only time i get to talk to my wife is between 5am and 7 am. then its work for 7 to 7. after that gym is too full to get to do my workout
  • '86 Chevy K10 with 8 inches of lift and 38's under it. It gets 3 gas stations to the mile
  • The reason you dont feel good is because you took a break and back stepped. I think its more psycological than physical. Your beating yourself up for it and its making you want to quit. Not trying to sound like an insensitive a** but stop feeling sorry for yourself and get back on the horse. We've all been there and I can…
  • Mine was when my dr told me i had gained 9 lbs in a 11 day period (total of 250) and put me on blood pressure meds. Decided it was time to get livin' or get dyin'
  • xmalfan, Im also deployed in Afghanistan (though not military anymore) and it can be hard here concidering the lack of choice in meals especially if your on a small camp like I am. Just keep at it but keep in mind, just because your not losing weight doesnt mean it isnt working. muscle is heavier than fat so even though…
  • 42 but refusing to grow up!!!!
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