avgulik Member


  • You need to eat at a minimum 1200 calories and up to 1500 calories/day if you are working out and burning 300 calories that day. Hope that helps!
  • Yes, all I have to do is have one piece of fruit and I'm over! I don't even have a sweet tooth and I have to watch this very carefully - sodium I find tough too. I don't worry about it as long as I'm eating healthy foods:happy:
  • Thanks for the warm welcome, asjerven. I'm a firm believer in exercise, but I found that when I increased my exercise too much - it was counter-productive. I was working out 4-5 times a week plus walking and using my elliptical and the scale didn't budge a pound! (for a full month!!) I did see my measurements improve and…
  • GREAT Thread! I started MFP at a healthy range as well - 5' 4" 132 lbs. I've lost 11 pounds and have 9 to go to get to my goal of 112. My goal is to be on the lower side of the 'healthy' range and to be physically fit so I have lots of energy at work and home. It is definately tough to get rid of the last 10 lbs - even the…
  • Hi! I was at that same stand still for a complete month and yes, I was frustrated as well. I stayed right at my 1200 day calorie limit plus added about 6-8 hours of fitness per week, with a combination of strength and cardio workouts. As hard as it was, I mentally ignored the ridiculous number on the scale and then decided…
  • Thanks for posting your meal plan babydaisy...... I guess where I go 'wrong' is needing a tablespoon of salad dressing(70 calories) to go on my salad as well as a glass of wine(129 calories) with my meal. (or having some cream in my morning coffee) However, I often plan ahead during the day if I know I may want a glass of…
  • I don't believe Carrie was trying to be negative at all. I often see people saying they can't eat all their calories, I can't imagine because like Carrie I have to watch myself so carefully too. It doesn't take alot of food to go over your 1200 calorie limit, even if you are eating healthy! I've managed to stay under…
  • Learn the Thriller Dance..... then you can just blend in.:happy:
  • If the scale isn't moving, check your measurements. I haven't lost anything according to the scale in a month, but I checked my measurements yesterday and I lost 5 inches! I work out alot, a minimum of 4 hours group fitness, and 3 days of elliptical as well as walking so I believe I may be building some muscle and shaping…
  • Excellent! Way to go! I was discouraged because the numbers on the scale weren't dropping but then I decided to take my measurements and I lost 5 inches! I think it can be discouraging just to look at the numbers on the scale as it's not a true mark of your overall progress. Congratulations!
  • I log Zumba under 'Cardio, Dance' but would be open to hear what others use. :-) It's fun and you work up a great sweat!
  • Welcome and congratulations on your decision to a healthier life! I just got started a month ago, and found the site like you did - an App on my IPOD touch. I convinced my sister to join as well (and sis in law!) and it's great to have the encouragement and to be accountable to MFP friends. Feel free to add me as a friend…
  • Right now I'm loving: Beautiful Monster Acapella Stereo Love ...... there is so many others too, but music can be SO motivating!
  • Way to go, you should feel proud of that accomplishment. Your moving in the right direction!!