BRM calculated into goal?

So I've just started using this site and I'm not so sure I understand it completely. I'm trying to lose two pounds a week by consuming 1,200 (my calculated calorie goal). It says that my BRM is 1,610 a day. I burn about an extra 300 calories a day (average) from exercise. I just need to know how to figure out exactly how many calories I should be consuming each day.
Please please help, thanks.


  • avgulik
    avgulik Posts: 14 Member
    You need to eat at a minimum 1200 calories and up to 1500 calories/day if you are working out and burning 300 calories that day.

    Hope that helps!
  • gracienkaidens_momma
    When you enter in your weight loss goals (i.e 1 lb a week or 2 lbs a week) it'll automatically come up with your daily caloric intake that you can have based on your weight, sex and age. If you do exercises, you are allowed more to eat in your diet. That's what I get from reading the reports! I'm new on here too!
  • SunnySadie
    Alright, thanks so much :)
  • SunnySadie
    Sounds good, thanks :)