

  • 3GirlMommy, I know what you mean about those skinny husbands! You don't want to know how many Kit Kats my husband eats each day!
  • As Heather says, at least not a gain! And a small loss -- down to 189.8 from 191.1 on March 1. I can see that those early days of losing 9-10 pounds a month are behind me! Still, I'm going to focus on the success. At least the challenge has me exercising every day, which I needed! Good luck, everyone! Susie
  • I was doing really well but Thursday and Friday evening I made stupid food decisions -- even worse than the holidays. Exercise is going fairly well. We'll see how weigh-in goes....
  • Cancun sounds like a great motivator! (Although I meant this as a reply to a message above -- I hate misposting when I can't delete! Hopefully that's the last thing that goes "wrong" for me this challenge!)
  • I'm in! I've hit a plateau the last few weeks and haven't been as good about holding myself accountable on MFP (which probably explains part of the plateau!), so this will be great. SW 252 7/1/10 CW 191.1 GW 170 by 6/1/11
  • It's a little late for lunch at this point (8 p.m. here in California) but I've been eating a lot of soup lately. Our local Costco (2 hours away!) has had two packs of Cedar Lane Chopped Vegetable and Barley Soup -- 80 calories a cup but very filling. It's got a lot of veggies in it so it takes a while to eat, which helps…
  • Glad to hear you are getting a Wii -- they're great! I absolutely love my Wii and Wii Fit Plus. Weighing myself is super easy and suprisingly accurate. It's a great motivator. I'm someone with absolutely NO rhythm, but I like doing the Step Aerobics and boxing routines. I'll leave the dance workouts and Zumba to all you…
  • Lucky! My husband and I are making our twice-monthly trek to our "local' Trader Joe's tomorrow (90 minutes away) so I can stock up on my essentials: baked organic tofu, humus, naan bread, masala simmer sauce, Beans So Green, and Grilled Eggplant & Zucchini Melange. My husband just goes for the Druid Circle cookies. :smile:
  • Thanks for starting this challenge! With colder weather heading its way, I'm finding it harder to stay away from the comfort food. This will be great for staying on track and getting through the holidays. CW: 208 GW: your goal weight 160 New Year's Mini Goal: 195 I owe all of my diet success so far to Trader Joe's baked…
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