new years challenge



  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    sorry about the contract chica, you can still get a wii if you ask every family member to give ya cash towards it for christmas, right? honestly, i think it's the best thing i've ever done. my bf and i got it two years ago and i begged everyone to pitch in and get me the wii fit plus w/ board for christmas. i love it. i also just pre-ordered the wii zumba game and am looking forward to doing that soon!
  • so how is everyone doing? i mean i know its only like 2 days in... but im off to a bad start BUT i have been wanting to dance!
    and im excited becuase 1 way or another we are getting a wii they have one for $199 at walmart.....
  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    just checking in with you all! i'm down a pound! yay! hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and keep up the hard work! :D
  • jevans918
    jevans918 Posts: 26 Member
    Have had a good weekend but not really a healthy one. Although I have been under my calorie goal, the stuff I have been eating is not all that great. I guess that means that I need to get back on track tomorrow.

    In better news we just got a wii fit today and it is sooo much fun. My husband and I had a great time doing the work outs and trying to beat each others scores. Burnt a whole lot of calories and it didn't even seem like a workout.

    -Krystylea80 Congratulations on being down a pound...That is awesome! Keep up the good work :)

    -Shawna the wii is going to be an awesome investment for everyone. My family will get together and play on it for hours.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)
  • crosedonahue
    crosedonahue Posts: 21 Member
    GOAL: AT THE MOST 140 by New Year's :)
  • Glad to hear you are getting a Wii -- they're great! I absolutely love my Wii and Wii Fit Plus. Weighing myself is super easy and suprisingly accurate. It's a great motivator. I'm someone with absolutely NO rhythm, but I like doing the Step Aerobics and boxing routines. I'll leave the dance workouts and Zumba to all you coordinated folks :wink:

    My weekend was pretty good calorie wise. Even better, my sciatica issues seem to be improving so I was back on the treadmill -- yay! It feels so good to be able to exercise again. I've been limping with sciatica/back pain since August but ::knock on wood:: I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was afraid I'd never be able to really walk again, and I love walking!
  • I'd like to join this, even if I am a little bit late.
    Goal: 145 pounds by new years.
    That would be about a 13 pound loss.
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    Hello! I know how you feel about never catching the challenges and I think this was a great idea.

    My current weight is 173
    My goal weight is 130 (though right now I'm just hoping for 140, shhh)
    My mini goal for 1/1/11 is 163

    Oh! and something about myself...lets see.

    I'm 23, I've recently moved to Japan for about 2 years, I'm going through a divorce and my husband is still stateside, and I've just picked up school again. I'm going for a BA and I am determined to finish this time, just as I am determined to get this weight off and tone up!
  • i weighed in 10 days ago since then ive lost 1.6 lb!!! yay!! im so excited im not sure is my goals match up tho cause i set them back in june and havent been really trying. i will sure fix those though.

    my weekend was stressful, my kids couldnt go outside cause its was super windy cold. and then it rained. 5 kids in the house kinda stinks LOL.

    i really really didnt eat very well. but today is the day. im going to do good. im getting my but up to curves today. after a weekend like i had i need some JUST ME time.

    i think im going to crank the music and go do some cleaning also. my house really really needs it!
  • i weighed in 10 days ago since then ive lost 1.6 lb!!! yay!! im so excited im not sure is my goals match up tho cause i set them back in june and havent been really trying. i will sure fix those though.

    my weekend was stressful, my kids couldnt go outside cause its was super windy cold. and then it rained. 5 kids in the house kinda stinks LOL.

    i really really didnt eat very well. but today is the day. im going to do good. im getting my but up to curves today. after a weekend like i had i need some JUST ME time.

    i think im going to crank the music and go do some cleaning also. my house really really needs it!

    yayyyy good for you! :) how exciting! i lost 1 lbs since we started, havent posted it yet waiting for next friday. but yay here is to all of us losingg! :)

    ooooo and i think i am really going to but a wii like next week! you guys are getting me excited about it
  • so i have these jeans that are a size 21. they almost fit me. i just cant get them buttoned
    i have like this much before i cant get it buttoned( from l to l ok)


    im excited! im going to try to get into them COMFORTABLY by the time i start school on Jan 10th!
  • wuwr
    wuwr Posts: 7
    I'm brand new here, and I'd love to join this challenge!

    I'm at 168.4 rigt now - I'd like to be 160 by New Years.

    I'm in my mid twenties, trying to find some direction in life. I quit smoking 2 months ago (and feel great because of it!), and my weight is the next thing I need to fix!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    I'm brand new here, and I'd love to join this challenge!

    I'm at 168.4 rigt now - I'd like to be 160 by New Years.

    I'm in my mid twenties, trying to find some direction in life. I quit smoking 2 months ago (and feel great because of it!), and my weight is the next thing I need to fix!

    Congrats on quitting! Keep the motivation going :)
  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    congrats on being close to the 21s! :D you can do this! I'm working hard to cut out soda (down to only one 20oz bottle now) and hopefuly my minigoal for new years! :D
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    How is everyone doing?
  • jevans918
    jevans918 Posts: 26 Member
    I just weighed in and I have lost 1.6 lbs...Yay!!! I am so excited. I hope everyone else is having a good week so far.
  • I just weighed in and I have lost 1.6 lbs...Yay!!! I am so excited. I hope everyone else is having a good week so far.
    congrats! thats awesome!

    so i ate subway for lunch....... i had a 6 inc turkey on honey oat with lettus tomato and pepper jack with 1 sugar cookie...... that damn cookie according to mfp was over 200 cals :(
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    so i ate subway for lunch....... i had a 6 inc turkey on honey oat with lettus tomato and pepper jack with 1 sugar cookie...... that damn cookie according to mfp was over 200 cals :(

    mmm...cookie...they are so hard to resist though arn't they? I had oreos with dinner and got handed 160 calories. We must stay strong!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    1.2 pounds down!
  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    k so i did a weigh in tonight and i'm back at my start weight even though i've exercised every night and only been over calories once in the last week. i'm bummed people! time to step it up i guess!

    btw... congrats to all you sexy peeps out there who have shrinking waistlines! :D good for you!!! :D
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