

  • Same here and ditto on the beef broccoli.
  • I keep bags of frozen fruit for my morning smoothies already prepared: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, kiwi, mango, pineapple, and bananas (though I actually don't care for the way bananas thicken my smoothies since they're already pretty thick). Take advantage of seasonal fruits, too, like berries,…
  • Nearly always ... because I'm almost always over each morning, just with my morning smoothie. And that has about 140 grams of various frozen fruits. Trace sugars in the other ingredients at best ... processed ingredients are limited to the Greek yogurt, the almond milk, and Vegan protein powder (sugar-free). (Well, seeds…
  • Things I use: - Vegan protein powder (doesn't have to be consumed in a smoothie/shake, but I have it in my morning one) - Greek yogurt - cottage cheese - string cheese - rotisserie chicken or other lean meat (I love wild salmon personally) - turkey - certain seeds - beans, especially garbanzo (I buy dry roasted chickpeas…
  • This is what I did, too. I'm a runner/yoga and pilates enthusiast, and I take in about 20% of my calories from protein on non-run days and about 25% on run days (all my runs are also on some incline). This usually translates to about 0.75g/1lb body weight on non-run days and usually 1g/1lb or more body weight on run days.…
  • Not essential ... and for most people, not desirable, I would think. If you have a higher than average BMI (reflecting a larger mass for your height), but would like to maintain it for some reason (e.g., bodybuilding), most will have a diet geared to maintain this. For example, using protein drinks, etc. When I do long run…
  • I'm 5'1", 105 lbs (give or take a couple pounds), just over 21% body fat. I am a very, very healthy eater, consuming roughly 2000 calories on most days (due to my activity level), and my regular exercise consists of: 30 minutes of morning yoga, runs (varying times and intensities, 3 days), and pilates and more yoga for…
  •,Sports_Drinks_Vs_Carbohydrate_Gels.html I just copied and pasted the first link that seemed to explain it well. I'm sure you must already know about carb gels, etc.? Some other ideas: 1. protein powder (in smoothie, juice, milk) ... Especially useful to support your muscles' heavy…
  • In some schools of yoga thought, women should refrain from all strenuous activity during menstruation. I've even read they shouldn't carry their kids! While that might be a bit extreme, I don't practice or exercise at all on the days of full bleed, and I treat this as a period of rest, reflection, and recovery. When I…
  • Definitely add yoga in. It would benefit anybody and athletes of any sport. I wake each morning with a light 30-minute yoga routine that gets my energy channels/circulation/etc. flowing, and I have been trying to add in a similar routine in the evening to wind down, as I've noticed that this helps me to sleep better. For…
  • I have also had this happen to my big toes on each of my feet, but not while exercising ... I used to walk a lot in heels at work, and at the end of the day, I noticed that my toes would often feel numb. After a visit to the doctor, she concluded (after ruling out diabetes, which can cause numbness in extremities) that it…
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