Marathon Runner

I always eat my daily calories. When I run, I earn more, so I eat them.

I have a huge question. I am training for another marathon. When I get into my higher mileage on EARTH am I going to eat an extra 1200-2600 calories those days???

Any other runners out there with an opinion/advice? I mean...can I spread the calories over a couple of days or doesn't it work like that?

Thanks so much!


  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Yes you can spread them out over the days. You could try just having a calorie goal for the week instead of per day... that way you don't have to eat a horse on one day and then eat normally on all the others.
  • coopersmom2006
    Lots of peanut butter and higher calorie goodies? Smoothies?
  • jennh22
    jennh22 Posts: 3
    You will know your body is hungry! You wont be able to run long mile days without fuel. stick to the staples for runners (sweet potatos, oatmeal, peanut or almond butter, green apples, any nuts, brown rice, greek yogurt and lean meats) Your body will burn them quickly, when i do long runs (over 7 miles) I need to eat at least 2000 -2300 calories, even more for longer marathon training days. in box me for any other questions. I have run 3 marathons and at leats 10 half marathons. When I am training I dont really lose weight I maintain, I know what my body needs so i dont bonk (run out of fuel)
    Jenn :)
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I get really sick to my stomach running and can't eat for hours after my Long run days. I never eat my calories back. I burn about 2k on my 20 mile days. It's not been a problem for me
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I just eat what I can, and don't worry about the rest. I actually tend to eat them the day AFTER my long run. That's the day I tend to be hungrier.

    Like mlb929, I can't eat tat much after I run long distances.
  • jenkinsjerry
    jenkinsjerry Posts: 99 Member
    I share your curiosity about this... and vividly recall eating mass quantities of just about everything the day of my last marathon earlier this Spring... I truly believe it's the one day you can nearly binge eat, simply to keep up your necessary calories. My body punishes me big time when I don't eat all of me xcals, so on long mileage days, grab the pizza, grab the chocolate chip cookies, and have at it.

    What I have begun doing that is unique is eating less food the night before my long runs. I used to follow that silly, non scientific motto of carbing up before a long run. All this lead to was unfortunate stops during my long runs... Now I actually carb up/out :) two nights before race day or long run day, then eat far fewer carbs and far less food the night before. I am told that our bodies can take over 24 hours to leverage the food we eat too, so the lunch and dinner I eat on Thursday, fuels me for my long run on Saturday...

    At any rate, good luck with this... I also found that it's only been by the radical burn of calories that I was ever able to get to my goal weight. The last few Lbs can hold on for dear life and I've found you really need to get after it to get the last few off your frame. Running and perhaps saving a hundred cals or more per day has worked for me.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Sometimes I would intentionally go over the day before and the day after if I was woefully low on calories on the day of a long run
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    Bump for later--about to start training for another half-marathon... I could use some helpful tips!
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    I must be the exception b/c when I run... always in the am...I just take that hot shower and hit the bricks. Me personally I hate running before I eat...guess Im suppose to but I dont...(never have) I just did my 2nd marathon this past Oct. (baltimore)...I would just say...find what works for you...guess we all can offer advice but what works for one may not work for you. @ jenn hell I find it hard eating that many calories just in a day
  • healthyhawaii

    I just copied and pasted the first link that seemed to explain it well. I'm sure you must already know about carb gels, etc.?

    Some other ideas:
    1. protein powder (in smoothie, juice, milk) ... Especially useful to support your muscles' heavy load.
    2. seeds ... I eat at least three types daily (flax, chia, hemp) in my morning smoothie.
    3. coconut or other oil ... Again, I just add some in to my smoothie for some middle chain fats.
    4. nut butters ... I prefer almond to peanut, just because soy is in so much of our foods already.

    Oh yeah, and I agree with the previous poster: aim for the weekly/overall balance rather than the daily. Although again, the added protein would be beneficial on intense days.

  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Make sure not to overeat.

    Runnersworld Forum is FULL of threads of newbie mara runners complaining they're running 30+ miles a week and gave managed to GAIN weight.

    Most of your training will be steady state LSRs, run way below your lactic threshold so not exactly a calorie furnace.

    To make sure, use a well calibrated HRM and include fartlek and interval training throughout the week.