

  • Best of luck to you!
  • Columbus. :-)
    in Ohio Comment by CatTutt February 2012
  • I also have an anxiety disorder, and I am on 3 medications that cause weight gain/inhibit weight loss. But I've determined it's mostly because of a larger appetite. I haven't been losing weight as readily medicated as I did without meds, but it's still happening. Albeit slowly. It sounds like you're doing pretty well on…
  • I've had a multitude of them, but I think the one that got under my skin the most was this snarky old woman who lived next door to my grandmother. My grandmother convinced me to feel sorry for the old bat and take her some homemade cookies, and when we walked in, she looked at my grandmother and said "BOY! She sure is fat,…
  • 1. Slow cooker 2. George Foreman Grill 3. Food scale 4. Extra sets of measuring cups/spoons
  • I have dealt with a lot of depression in my life. It was very hard to care enough to do anything to take care of myself when I was having a bad day. That was a big part of the reason I got as big as I am. Food was comfort, when nothing else was comforting. Unfortunately, I don't have any good advice for you because I ended…
  • Columbus, OH
  • Yeah, as some of the others said, I had the dad who said "If you don't lose weight, you will never have a man." Which, I have proven wrong. But of all the comments {and believe me, there are many}, there is one that still sticks out in my mind. I had lost about 15 lbs. I was still around 230 lbs, but I had lost about 15.…
  • Thanks for all the hellos and the invites! I'm excited to get started here at MFP and meet some new friends!