courtneymal17 Member


  • This! SOOO This! I-O! I was back this weekend for the Color Run....nearly broke my heart to leave again :(
  • Try moving comfort...theirs are AMAZING...I have 3 of their fiona style and they're worth every penny!
  • Oh I logged I'm not even going to look at facebook for like a week. But you can haz friends here!
  • MARGS!!! Coming now!!!
  • But that's the thing, it's the prosecution's burden to show evidence that he's guilty NOT to show evidence of his innocence. I'm not saying either way about this case, but in the end, it's up to the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed the crime....and that he wasn't acting out of self defense.…
  • I had a cauliflower soup once that seriously tasted like baked potato soup (one of my faves) delicious! Might just have to try this, though alfredo has never been my fave
  • might have to try this!
  • Yay! Congrats!! It's an awesome awesome program that's done so many people so much good! I will give you one fair word of gets tougher...a lot tougher! Just keep a positive attitude, and try to push through! If you find yourself having a hard time getting through time periods, try to go a little slower, and if…
  • RED WINGS!! WOOOO! Biggest Wings fan here! (No really, yall should see my room!) My sports in order: #1-NHL-The Red Wings! #2-College Football-THE Ohio State University! GO BUCKS :D #3-Baseball-Detroit Tigers Then a massive gap #4-NFL I guess....which theoretically is the Lions, but...let's be honest no one really roots…
  • Also a proud Buckeye here!! O-H!
  • YES! I've done two...Columbus last year and Eastern MI this year...and will be doing my third next saturday in Columbus! I can't wait. I live near Detroit (about a 3 hr drive), and will be heading down there for a fun time with a bunch of awesome MFP people! That being said, I should qualify's a REALLY fun time…
  • This! If you want to select active JUST because you're active with your workouts, just make sure you don't eat your calories back, otherwise, like was said, you're not going to be in deficit. I'm fairly sedentary throughout the day so I chose that, then log my exercises and eat my exercise calories back. This is why I say,…
  • well that's the kicker...the race was like 30 mins from my house! I was like...whoa where did this come from!! lol! I actualy wished I lived closer to some hills so I could put them into my workouts a little more.
  • Except half of the big ten and probably many others... :P
  • ahahahhaha This is SO my reaction too! Hi5! To actually answer the question though: by far, far, FAR and away...College. GO BUCKS :D It's hard to beat the traditions, loyalties, community involvement of college...where you literally feel like you're a part of the team when you're screaming your head off in the student…
  • Omg haha...I live in pretty much the flattest area of Michigan...and the only other place I'd ever really run was on the beach in supppper flat. My first 10K I signed up for without realizing there was a freaking ELEVATION MAP! I flipped haha...It was hill city! I think I cried a little...then learned to kind…
  • In that case, sign up for it now! Set your goal and train hard! You can so do it!!
  • Actually yeah, if you can't run 60 seconds and you're supposed to be running 5, 10, 25, 30 mins it is incredibly discouraging. Sorry our goals aren't as lofty as a marathon (one of these days!!), but you said it yourself, if your goal was to run a marathon without walking then you'd slow down. Think of the 5k as us lesser…
  • Just watch the extras (dressings, cheeses, etc) that you put on. Also...take advantage of the campus! Walk around as much as you can, take the stairs to the dorms, etc. Also, see if the place you're staying has refrigerators so you can bring some of your own stuff, even if they do, maybe bring some snacks for throughout…
  • This! That being said, from what I know, Color Me Rad, like most of the 'color' runs, isn't timed. (Not that you can't time yourself, but still!) Also, if it's like the ones I've done (The Color Run) You'll stop and soak up the color at each of the stations, so you're not going to be doing the typical 5k thing. Catch your…
  • lol I'm actually not really a huge sour patch kids on the other hand....nooommmmmmmmmmmm
  • I'm pretty sure someday they're going to do a study that links breathing to cancer.
  • Ok...first and IS hard. But SO SO SO Rewarding, especially if you're like me and get bit by the racing bug...C25K is the first step to a whoooollleee new world! The best best advice I can give you is, like others, Go sloooooow. Even a year and a half past c25k, I'm still suuuuuper slow. When I try to add time…
  • BUT JELLY BEANS HAZ SUGAR! DONT YOU KNOW EVERYONE who's ANYONE on MFP DOES NOT EAT JELLIEZ!!! lol I was trying to think of something ridiculous...probably shouldnt have touched on the sacred jelly beans! :P
  • As much as I hate breakfast, I try to eat something every day...even if it's just a breakfast type protein bar, or (my favorite) a smoothie. Also if you're way under try calorie dense good for you foods like avocados, nuts, etc. And as far as eating exercise calories back, I usually eat some but not all...I just follow how…
  • close to me! I'm in Allen Park :)
  • Thanks!! Not sure if you've heard, but they're doing a women's half on Belle Isle in september! I'm planning on doing the 5k and making the freep one my first half. :)
  • Totally This! I guarantee you no doctor would tell you you're fat or need to lose weight, and if you're fiance can't see that he needs his eyes checked. Also, with your ED history, having a fiance/husband that's only going to encourage that isn't the best thing for you. You need someone who will be supportive, not help…
  • Here's my advice: DO IT. Here's my advice part b: (And I'm assuming this is your first 5k?) Make your goal to simply finish it. If you have 8 weeks you certainly have the time to be up to it in relation to c25k...but here's the thing...c25k builds you up to running 30 minutes straight, not necessarily 3 miles. It depends…