C25k challenge



  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    Week 5 Day 3 is the most glorious run.

    Oh I hope so and can't wait!
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    Hey for the bouncing......get yourself some shape wear.....I don't like the tight fitting where everyone can see every roll or curve...so I wear tight shape wear under my normal t shirt and pants. No bounce :) Also if your not opposed to supplements I cannot tell you how much osteo biflex and fish oil have helped my knees! And if I over do it a good soak in tub with epsom salts totally helps!
  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    Thank you, I will check out the supplements. I actually don't mind the tight fitting stuff. Just ordered more C9 gear. But maybe next time, I'll get an even smaller size to help w/ "dat bounce" lol!
  • get10fit2013
    get10fit2013 Posts: 87 Member
    OMG can I just tell you how much I love you guys? I'm so doing this! So I hear some of you saying that you're stuck or repeating days? How does the program work? If you can't do one day, you keep repeating that day until you can? Do the apps tell you what to do while you're doing it? I just really have NO idea how to start. Which app is the best, etc? Sorry for all of the annoying questions!!
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    It was so encouraging to read all of your replies. You are all amazing. Anyone who is looking for support thru the process please add me. I just finished week 1. And I feel amazing. It's just so cool that I ran a total of 8 minutes yesterday. So proud of myself for the first time in forever!!
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Get10fit what kind of phone do you have?? Or iPod touch?? There are two great apps out there. The one I use is on the apple store. It's 0 to 5k to 10k by clear sky I am loving it. Gives you badges as you make different achievements. Plays your music in the background and tells you when to start stop and reached halfway point. Don't think I coulda been doing this program without it.
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    i've completed it and now am on my second round of 5k to 10k.

    That is where I wanna be in 10 weeks :)
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    I am so afraid to start this program! I have arthritis and I am just so embarassed to run outside - I live right off a busy street and there isn't a surface long or flat enough. I'll have to get myself to a gym :frown:

    I have horrible juvenile arthritis. I met with my dr before I started. I take some ibfrufen before the run. Surprisingly after one week of running I don't hurt anymore than I normally do. Give it a try. Sometimes you would surprise yourself how well you can do.
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    I'm starting the C25k tomorrow and can't wait to run again!! We can do this.

    Yay!! Congrats!
  • soonerkt87
    soonerkt87 Posts: 39 Member
    i just finished week 2, so far I am loving it!
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I was going to suggest the group, but someone else already did.

    I did it last year for about a month and a half and got through the first 4 weeks before quitting. I started again about 2 and a half months ago, and I'm finishing week 8 of c210k (the end of the 5k portion) tonight after work. I'm going on time since I'm going straight to 10k training so I'm only doing 2.5 miles tonight, but I can run the whole thing!!! 2.5 months ago, I struggled on the 60sec runs! I've already decided that once I finish this 10k training, I'm going straight into Hal Higdon's half marathon training because I'd like to run a half within the next 2.5 years.

    It's amazing that I actually love to run now. My knee was bothering me the other day after my run, and my boyfriend said to take a few days off, and I said, "Well if it doesn't hurt tomorrow (Monday), I'm not going to. I don't like to miss a run." And a couple weeks ago I set an alarm to get up at 5am on a Sunday to run 2 miles because it was going to be hot and I had plans during the day. Who am I?!! I guess the answer is... a runner! :happy:
  • get10fit2013
    get10fit2013 Posts: 87 Member
    I have an Android phone. I just searched Couch25K and it gave me like ten options! (these are just the free apps)
    C25K by RunDouble
    C25K Zen Labs 5K trainer
    MapMyRun GPS by MapMyFitness
    C25K Guy Hoffman
    C25K Trainer Syncostyle

    Suggestions? lol
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I have an Android phone. I just searched Couch25K and it gave me like ten options! (these are just the free apps)
    C25K by RunDouble
    C25K Zen Labs 5K trainer
    MapMyRun GPS by MapMyFitness
    C25K Guy Hoffman
    C25K Trainer Syncostyle

    Suggestions? lol
    I've heard good things about the RunDouble app, but I haven't used it.

    I use the Zen labs c210k app. The first 8 weeks are the 5k program, then it goes to 10k training so you don't have to change apps. I also use mapmyrun for pace and distance because the free zen labs app doesn't track those; I think the paid one does though.

    I haven't heard anything about the other 2.
  • pandabear7486
    pandabear7486 Posts: 92 Member
    I am so afraid to start this program! I have arthritis and I am just so embarassed to run outside - I live right off a busy street and there isn't a surface long or flat enough. I'll have to get myself to a gym :frown:

    You could also look for any local tracks in the area. Don't be embarrassed inside or outside. Remember that you're doing more than probably most of the people you may see (except well probably at the gym).

  • get10fit2013
    get10fit2013 Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks Crista!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I have an Android phone. I just searched Couch25K and it gave me like ten options! (these are just the free apps)
    C25K by RunDouble
    C25K Zen Labs 5K trainer
    MapMyRun GPS by MapMyFitness
    C25K Guy Hoffman
    C25K Trainer Syncostyle

    Suggestions? lol

    I'm on week 7 of the distance one for RunDouble and love it. I would suggest that program to anyone.
  • get10fit2013
    get10fit2013 Posts: 87 Member
    Does the RunDouble one also track distance and speed? If I could find an "all in one" app, that would be great!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Does the RunDouble one also track distance and speed? If I could find an "all in one" app, that would be great!

    I think they all do that as long as you have GPS.
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Hubby is using the XenLabs apps I a, using an iPhone so I a, using Clear Sky. What does everyone think of Runzdu le?
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    Does the RunDouble one also track distance and speed? If I could find an "all in one" app, that would be great!

    I think they all do that as long as you have GPS.

    I know the Zen La s one does not track via GPS.
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    I was going to suggest the group, but someone else already did.

    I did it last year for about a month and a half and got through the first 4 weeks before quitting. I started again about 2 and a half months ago, and I'm finishing week 8 of c210k (the end of the 5k portion) tonight after work. I'm going on time since I'm going straight to 10k training so I'm only doing 2.5 miles tonight, but I can run the whole thing!!! 2.5 months ago, I struggled on the 60sec runs! I've already decided that once I finish this 10k training, I'm going straight into Hal Higdon's half marathon training because I'd like to run a half within the next 2.5 years.

    It's amazing that I actually love to run now. My knee was bothering me the other day after my run, and my boyfriend said to take a few days off, and I said, "Well if it doesn't hurt tomorrow (Monday), I'm not going to. I don't like to miss a run." And a couple weeks ago I set an alarm to get up at 5am on a Sunday to run 2 miles because it was going to be hot and I had plans during the day. Who am I?!! I guess the answer is... a runner! :happy:

    So inspirational. I feel like there is a runner in me too!! Can't wait til I can run 2 miles :)
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I started the C25k challenge and am absolutely loving the fact that I can run. I can become a runner. After just a week I'm already looking at going on after hitting a 5k. Anyone else done the couch to 5k challenge? How did it go for you? Did you go farther??

    Yay! Congrats!! It's an awesome awesome program that's done so many people so much good! I will give you one fair word of warning...it gets tougher...a lot tougher! Just keep a positive attitude, and try to push through! If you find yourself having a hard time getting through time periods, try to go a little slower, and if need be, a little slower. I've read you're supposed to be able to sing along to a fast song without getting breathless....THATS how slow you're supposed to be going...crazy, I know!

    As for me, completed c25k in April of last year. I did my first 5k (run/walking, as I've done every race) about 3 weeks in. Last year I did 7 5ks (including a color and a mud run) and a 4 miler on the beach. This year my new year's resolution was to do 13 races in '13 with at least one of them being a 10k. This year I've done 6 races so far, 1 WAS a 10K! (I signed up for it on a whim and didn't really train. I want to do better in 10ks, but my goal for the first was just to finish!), 2 regular 5ks, a 5k mud run and a color run, and a 4 miler on the beach. I've got (at least..!) 7 more races for this year, with the next being a fun MFP friends weekend away for another Color run. I've also decided that I'm not only going to do at least one more 10k this year, but I'm also about to finish my 3rd week of training for a half marathon! I'm suuuper nervous and excited for it! Hopefully come October I'll be able to say c25k took me from never ever thinking about running to being a half marathoner! Before I started c25k, I literally NEVER ran. I HATED running. I played softball in high school and running between the bases was torturous. When I first started the fitness thing, I made a comment to my parents that I wanted to run a 5k at Disney by the end of the year, which my dad laughed at and said I wasn't a runner and would never be......well now I most certainly am!! On my c25k app (I can't remember which I used :() after the end of the first 20 minute run the lady (she had this cute british accent haha!) said "congratulations, you can really call yourself a runner now" I seriously cried lol!!

    For the last year or so I've really struggled with staying consistent with running, but the half training plan has taken me back to the consistency of c25k, and I'm actually having a lot of breakthroughs. After c25k I started run/walking more than straight running, and while it was great, I couldn't do more than 5-10 mins straight. Recently I've finally realized that the first 10 minutes were the hardest, and all I was doing to myself was running the hardest part over and over...so crazy! So a week ago I did my very first run in the rain (I've always only ran outside in "nice" weather!) and it was MARVELOUS. I was supposed to go 2.5 miles according to my training plan, and it was so much fun running that I just kept going....and kept running! I ran for a total of an hour and a half straight, and ran 6 miles! I seriously could not believe myself! ...which is my way of saying...even once it gets harder...it's going to get so so so much better! Sign up for your first race for not long after you're supposed to finish c25k...races are pretty much the best thing ever...I love love love the atmosphere and the community! Good luck continuing your running!!

    I've been stuck at w8d2 for about a week or so ... not sure if it's the humidity or just burnout/fatigue.

    BUT. I can say I am a runner. I ran a 5K! I came in 3rd in my age group! so if I have a few weeks of "bad" runs ... I'm still running, I'm still doing it, go go go!

    For real, the humidity where I am is KILLER...I really get the best runs during the middle ish of the day (I try to go around 3-4), but yeah, the humidity has really been a drag. Try to stay hydrated much more before your runs and after, and also get some electrolytes in you before/during/after. Try to go earlier or later in the day...but for real, I know exactly what you mean...I can't say I'm an amazing runner, I'm slow slow sloooooowww...but man, the humid days KILL me...I feel like I can't run more than 3 or 4 steps and it's SO hard to push through.