demilade Member


  • My weekly target - 700grams / 1.5 pounds End of challenge target - 10 kilos/ 22 pounds That would have me at 92kg/ 202 pounds and 114 pounds/51kg lost.
  • My goals : Food : keep my calories within the range set by the dietician and try to limit sugar. Exercise : do something 4 days a week Weight loss : 3 kilos / 6.5 pounds
  • Made all my above regrets, good week or exercise! Off to an Easter egg hunt today and tomorrow we are off to the zoo!
  • New long challenge starts tomorrow!
  • Updated!
  • Great job hope!
  • .8 this week. Didn't quite make target but still lost nearly 9kg overall! Good luck to everyone else for your weigh ins.
  • Maybe we didn't make them right but I couldn't hande the sugar and no adult finished one. Lol, the kids had no problems...
  • New challenge starts Monday! We all need to get our mojo back.
  • I hear you about being tired and a little over it. But I don't want to give up now, it will be so much harder to restart
  • Tried an American dessert item and now feel sick and want to spew. Never again will s'mores be made in this house!
  • Glad your here, I was getting lonesome :)
  • I have an 11 month old and i have lost 90 pounds since she was born. In the colder weather i was doing a workout dvd every day while she slept, it only took 30 mins, plus going for walks when the weather was ok. Over summer we walked daily plus dvd, and if hubby could watch her i went for a run. Its getting cold again so…
  • Slow losses for various reasons and 2kg to loose in 7 days. I might get close but I won't make it. I will keep trying though! How is everyone else going for their Easter goal?
  • Woefull loss this week, better luck next week.
  • Gosh we have been a quiet group! I haven't been exercising at all this week, a toddler in emergency again and then looking after when she got home I just didn't have the time. Back at it tomorrow and this is my plan for the rest of the week Monday - 20 min run and 40 min weight class Tuesday - 40 min run and 40 min mma…
  • March 15 - 21. Target - 30 per day 15. 20 16. 20 17. 35 18
  • March 8 - 14 - goal 315 mins March 8 nothing, eek 9 35mins, 35 total for the week 10 40 mins jogging, 75 toall 11 36 mins jogging, 111 total 12 40 mins jiogging, 141 ttl 13 20 mins 14 20 mins Total for the week - 181, lol woeful. Better luck next week
  • This weeks loss entered. I'm very close to my monthly goal!
  • March 8 - 14 - goal 315 mins March 8 nothing, eek 9 35mins, 35 total for the week 10 40 mins jogging, 75 toall 11 36 mins jogging, 111 total 12 40 mins jiogging, 141 ttl 13 14
  • I actually started tracking it in January and when I was reading my results I got so cross! Up a few, down a few, up a few, down a few. In 4 months I lost 2kg overall! It wasnt till a few hours later I remembered that I was pregnat at that time, so even though the scales only showed 2kg overall, I was probably doing pretty…
  • Ive lost 88 pounds on a dietician created menu. I work out 45 mins per day on average, a mix of classes at the gym with weights and walking/jogging 5 days a week. Its important you eat enough calories, too few can slow your weightloss. Start with 1200-1500 and see how your tracking after a few months and tweek it.
  • When im sick and dont want to eat I dont eat. Dont force it in, if your body wants food it will tell you. If it effects you for a week at least you know what its from. Feel better soon
  • I cut out white bread and all pasta/rice. I occasionally have wholemeal bread but not often. I also cut out potatoes and starchy veg like corn. After a while you just dont miss it. I will still have the odd peice of garlic bread or a biscuit if the mood takes me.
  • March 8 - 14 - goal 315 mins March 8 nothing, eek 9 35mins, 35 total for the week 10 40 mins jogging, 75 toall 11 36 mins jogging, 111 total 12 13 14 Im struggling again this week! its a long weekend so my class was cancelled yesterday at the gym and they dont open today, 2 x 45 min sessions I missed, oh well, just keep…
  • im all up to date!
  • 2.2kg down this week, nearly 5 pounds I think! Only 3 kg to go!
  • I o running each morning and have done for months. Yesterday hubby grumbled that I should have woken him so he could come. Look out hubby, your about to get woken up!
  • I sautee some onion and garlic and capsicum and then cook it in stock and add the vegies. Can add some diced chicken as well.
    in Quinoa Comment by demilade March 2013
  • March 8 - 14 - goal 315 mins March 8 nothing, eek 9 35mins, 35 total for the week 10 11 12 13 14