

  • As a guy who just did this, I say if you love him, do it. One of the reasons I just moved 2,000 miles back east to be near the one I love is because I felt that I had to take my shot, you know? We had been doing stupid-long distance for the better part of a year, seeing each other once a month for two or three days. It was…
  • Swimming would be an excellent choice, if you can get to a pool. Otherwise, you stole my thunder with walking and the elliptical. All three will burn calories and are very low impact on your joints.
  • My favorite ever; "Not dead, can't quit." - Richard Machowicz
  • I go the Rocky Balboa/Ivan Drago route.....I taped a shirtless picture of me (from three months ago) to my bathroom mirror. Somehow, I find my motivation :) On a more serious note, I took the label off of a bottle of blood presssure medication (that I started 3 years ago at the age of 29!) and taped that under the picture.…
  • Great thread, and a number of terrific answers. The bottom line is that you have to figure out what works best for you. I'm in the middle of learning that sometimes you never get over just learn to live without them. The way that you stay strong is by focusing all of your energy onto something, anything. For…