lmalaschak Member


  • That's mean. No one criticizes you for watching professional wrestling. :)
  • Oh my goodness, that is so weird. :/ Wonder what is up with that...
  • That's cute. :) Have a great time!
  • I really would give it a try, eating a bit more. Especially if you are exercising quite a bit! If you eat less than 1200, your metabolism might slow down and then your body will use even less calories, so you won't be burning them up as fast. Try 1200 as a minimum, and if you're exercising make sure you eat whatever…
  • This advice is all very good. This is a smart lady. You should do whatever she says. :)
  • How are you doing with your calorie goals every day? Are you usually under your goal, or are you over most days? During times when I don't lose, I have to remember to be careful to log every single thing I eat, even if it's one bite of mac and cheese that I tasted while I was cooking my children's lunch. Doing that helps…
  • It takes your personal info into account when it calculates how many calories you need. You might try the calorie count it suggests for you and then tweak it up if that doesn't seem to work well...
  • Good job! Keep up the good work :)
    in Blah. Comment by lmalaschak April 2012
  • While I agree with the principle here, let me just say that I have had success on 1200 calories per day. Maybe it only works for a while and then doesn't any more...I don't really know, but I do know that I'm 4 pounds from my goal weight and on non-exercise days I have been at 1200 for the most part. Except for planned…
  • Well, you burn calories just by being alive, and you would have to figure that in. Just the functions that all of your organs are performing are burning calories. That's why you would eventually starve to death even if all you did was lie still all day. If you're exercising 5 times a week you should probably be eating a…
  • Yum. Sadly I might eat four of them.....
  • I didn't look, but are you Canadian? My husband has this theory that in order to be Canadian there is a prerequisite of loving Rush. He listens to this song all the time by the way, even though we are not Canadian.
  • No pull-ups. Straight to underwear. Start giving him juice boxes in the morning to make him go more, put the underwear on, and then sit him on the potty about every 15 minutes. If he happens to go while he's on it, give him a reward as immediately as you can. Whatever he loves best (M&Ms for my boys). If he really loves…
  • Probably the number one thing it takes is some planning ahead...write out your grocery list and plan each day for the week, what you'll eat for all your meals. Keep some dried fruit on the list every week to eat if you aren't able to find fresh fruits and vegetables. Look online for some suggestions about simple, healthy…
  • Also...no, I don't really think your calories are set too low. But if you think it might help, you could try bumping it to 1500 for two weeks. You and I are different sizes so it's hard for me to make a good guess...
  • Your diary doesn't appear to be open right now, at least not for me. I will say that sometimes people's weight does drop off more quickly, but if you look at your progress I think you're doing very well! You're averaging more than a pound per week of weight loss. That's more than four sticks of butter every week gone from…
  • My big problem is tasting while I'm fixing their plates. The only solution that works at all is to force myself to log every single bite I eat all day. That helps, partly because I can't tell as well how much I'm eating if I'm only taking a spoonful and partly because I know how fast it will add up. But I still fall prey…
  • For me the best solution was to make the best of it until one or two of them were older. The best advice I can give would be to remember that none of these difficult, inconvenient stages last too long...it's not easy in the middle of it, but like you said, the problem will be partially solved by September when one goes to…
  • Oh wow, I didn't think about that. It would be tempting to just drizzle it over my own serving so I could tell exactly how much, maybe.
  • My face always gets really red when I exercise and stays that way for a while afterwards. It doesn't seem to matter what weight I am or anything. Sorry. ;)
  • Also I am looking at your recipe and reasoning that the weight change would also be partially because of evaporation, like the milk for instance. But all of the calories from the milk would still be in the meat loaf even though the liquid would partially evaporate. That would be another reason for so much weight change...…
  • Ok, here is probably what I would do for meat loaf. I would poke around online and see if there was any information about what percentage of the calories are "discarded" in the oil/grease that comes out of meat during oven baking. You might be able to find a food called "ground pork, oven baked" or something, that would…
  • Ack. You're going by grams. So was there a lot of liquid in the pan that accounted for the difference in weight then...?
  • I usually enter raw ingredients...you probably would for meat loaf. If, for example, you're going to make tacos and you brown some ground beef and drain it and rinse it, you would use the "ground beef browned, drained, rinsed" one, because if you use the raw calorie count for that it will be way too high. The draining and…
  • Yum! This will be even better this summer when our tomato plants are producing!
  • I haven't read all the responses to this, but what facial expression are you typically wearing? Not like if someone points a camera at you or says hi, I'm sure you smile and look friendly at those times, but if you are concentrating or deep in thought does your face maybe just naturally have an "unapproachable" expression…
  • Hahahahahaha this is one of the funniest things I've read today. That Richard Dawkins line in the first paragraph just makes the whole thing a classic!!!
  • The bottom line for me is that when my husband is motivated to work out, so am I. Having another person for accountability has had a lot more to do with my motivation than what type of workout I use. So if you have a friend or two who are also trying to drop some pounds or get in shape, try exercising together. Or, maybe…
  • I haven't taken birth control for years, since I found out more about how it works, but back in the day when I did take it this did not happen. And like someone up above said, whenever I have gotten pregnant I've had bleeding for much of the first trimester. Not trying to freak you out of course.
  • Totally ignore all advice against eating at night. I have snacks every night. I just save calories for them!