

  • brush your teeth after you eat! tooth paste and food do not mix, so you will not randomly reach in the fridge or pantry when you're having one of those browsing moments. it wont taste as good as you thought! =)
  • okay! =)) just keep an eye out for a discussion titled "Flirty Girl Fitness DVD" in about a week or two.
  • I have just started one. its the flirty girl fitness program. i am only on day 4, but i feel great when im done, a little sore, but as soon as i get moving again. its not a big problem. if you would like i can keep you posted on any results. but the important thing is you eat right, other wise no matter how much you…
  • hello to everyone reading. my name is Antonia, and i am from California. When i was i high school, i averaged about 130-140. i was always active, playing sports. i did have a young pregnancy. i had my beautiful daughter at 16. i gave up everything to take care of her. stopped school for a whole year in a half, when i…
  • i have a picky 3 year old daughter, but she still eats all her veggies!! i let her watch in as i cook, and if she is unsure about a veggie, i let her taste it. she is a child, and not to sound rude or mean, but either she can eat it or she does not!! i figure teach them while they are young to eat healthy, and they wont…